
Another Cloud service: Real Player. Only for media files, but with the perk that any video files you upload can not only be streamed or downloaded to most computers/tablets/phones, it also works with Chromecast and Roku for tv streaming. Organization sucks, but nice if you want to watch things in multiple locations.

Only if you want to pretend that Southern Barbecue (which is smoking, not even barbecuing) is the only definition of barbecue. Don't Saintlouis the word barbecue.

"While" is proper English, American English. You are from Texas. Using an affectation that is only part of British English is pretentious. I don't dig at all.

I blame Google :)

Baked tomatoes? No.

But at least we know that is just bar pie and don't brag on it.

Your best bet is to get one in a pot, like Carmex or Blistex's DCT. They can melt and nothing happens, since they are already in a little jar.

Your best bet is to get one in a pot, like Carmex or Blistex's DCT. They can melt and nothing happens, since they

When did they start using "whilst" instead of "while" in Texas?


But he's not saying he's a leader of the movement. Feminist is not a synonym for woman or female. It means someone who believes in equal rights for women. That's it.

Her appearance on Louis is when I knew I had to stop watching that show because it had crawled up its own ass.

Because while Ilana seems to be bi, Abbi hasn't given any indication whatsoever that she is, and actively rejects Ilana's physical advances at every turn?

I was able to get it by following the link in this post, but it still doesn't show up in the App Store when I search for it. Crazy.

I just looked for it in the App Store and can't find it. Is it taking a while to propagate or something?

Your knowledge of Detroit is entirely gleaned from Robocop, isn't it?

You're living in a fantasy world where people don't buy that shit to show off. The very rare obscenely rich person may buy that stuff just because they like it, but it's only because they can afford something 10 times as expensive. And they buy that too.

I think it's a girl? Which makes it worse, somehow.

I personally don't give a crap if people want to buy overpriced tacky gold status symbols, but they're called status symbols for a reason: people buy them to display their status to others. Don't be delusional.

Counter-counter-point: anyone who buys these items, which can be had for a fraction of the price with more functionality from other manufacturers, is only buying them for the name brand and looks, and therefore wants everyone to notice and pass judgment on them (hoping that judgment is: "You are rich and amazing!"