They add mineral oil to the tube version, so you're right, the potted version is less greasy.
They add mineral oil to the tube version, so you're right, the potted version is less greasy.
They add mineral oil to the tube version, so you're right, the potted version is less greasy.
They add mineral oil to the tube version, so you're right, the potted version is less greasy.
I grew up with Carmex (grew up in Wisconsin). When I first moved to NJ, my mother would send it to me in the mail, since they hadn't gone completely national yet. We used to take the potted version and put it on the radiator so it would melt and you could apply it in liquid form. It really is the best for chapped…
I grew up with Carmex (grew up in Wisconsin). When I first moved to NJ, my mother would send it to me in the mail,…
Then why don't you believe that people can smell your weed smoke? It's not magical. It's smoke. It's vaporized particulates. It clings to walls and fabrics. The fact that it's made out of marijuana does not make it impossible to detect.
It depends on where you live and what religion the people you know tend to be. I grew up in WI, Catholic, and funeral garb was black for everyone, even for Protestant funerals. I moved to NJ, and while the Catholic funerals I've been to are dressier (probably because of Mass), most other religions, especially…
It still a very hard shade to pull off if you have any melanin. At all. Also, if you are in any way sallow or ruddy. Those iconic platinum blondes also tended to have a thick layer of fair-shaded pancake foundation on at all times.
Let's be honest, that very white platinum blonde looks good on almost no one who wasn't born with it. There's a reason it's gone out of style and most people now are going for more of a honey blonde.
TBF, from her completely nonsensical use of the word proprietary, she's a bit shaky on what words mean to normal humans.
We're only hearing her version of the story, and even as she tells it, she cheated on him without telling, and only fessed up when he discovered it on his own, then she made him an ultimatum to either let her continue or she'd dump him. It's not clear to me that he's as cool with it as she thinks. It's also very…
I guess that's why people don't know Ilana is Jewish, since on the show she has a black boyfriend and a brown roommate.
The OP seems like an ass, but this woman started cheating on her husband mere months after he was diagnosed with a serious illness. I don't think she's a slut, I think she's a self-absorbed, selfish jackass.
I also have a chronic illness, and this article enraged me. No, I would not be cool with a partner deciding to cheat on me months after I got ill, me finding out, then me being given an ultimatum that either I go along with the cheating or get dumped. This is just such a sucky corner this woman has backed her husband…
Mid-thirties is exactly when middle age begins. Really.
I thought she laughed off suggestions that she was a lesbian, was only known to have relationships with men and did what she wanted because that's just who she was. Again, it's not exactly groundbreaking to decide that a woman who is independent, assertive and likes to wear pants is a lesbian. But you can't tell who…
I don't know, it seems kind of insane to me to pick married men (she also famously had an affair with a married Hollywood agent) for your beards. Seems like sham marriages were all the rage with the studios back then, so they weren't trying to beard her that hard, if there was bearding to do. Like I said, I don't know…
Maybe. Or maybe it's possible that a strong, independent woman who likes to wear pants also likes penises. Or vaginas. Or both, separately or together. You really can't tell what someone wants in bed unless you have slept with them.
No, believers in evo psych think psychological traits are inborn and are unchanged over the millenia. It's a reductive and narrow view that is based on human minds being static, the exact opposite of what you are claiming it does. That is why people laugh at it and the people who subscribe to it.
Wait, so you're saying when evo psychs claim that we behave the same as we did a million years ago, they are obviously wrong, since human minds have evolved along with bodies? Because that's what I'm getting from your statement, that you think saying that modern humans are still hunters and gatherers divided along…
And as someone with a chronic painful disease, so am I. Being a caretaker is difficult, but optional. Having a disease is not something you can just stop doing or get respite from when it gets too hard.
Considering he was still taking monthly payments for the children from the state, this is sketchy as hell.
They just reran the episode of Intervention that was about a young man who had been a street orphan in Bangladesh and was adopted by a very devoutly Christian family. The parents seemed to have done their best, and did nothing egregious, but the son still felt alienated (and was addicted to heroin) — and their only…