Have you seen him in person? (And, again, as someone with exactly the same color hair, it actually usually looks much redder under bright lighting like that in photos, not less red.)
Have you seen him in person? (And, again, as someone with exactly the same color hair, it actually usually looks much redder under bright lighting like that in photos, not less red.)
Nah, I have the same color hair as his (when I was younger, the same as his lighter hair, now that I'm older, about the same as his hair now). He's right, it's auburn, not ginger. I have never, ever been a redhead. There really is a difference.
Can we at least agree that he is not a Ginger? Dude has brown hair. Period.
As someone else with a chronic condition, I know your frustration. Note also that some of these people claiming cures through diet have been diagnosed with something, but never mention that their particular illness/condition is prone to spontaneous remissions or is cyclical (flares and wanes, which a lot of autoimmune…
I had a friend who was absolutely certain that his devoutly Catholic parents did not have premarital sex, he was just born very premature. His parents were married at the beginning of the same month he was born in. He was quite indignantly sure he was just a miracle baby who survived being born at 4 weeks gestation,…
Not a bad theory, but I'm going to guess he just blew through all the money he stole and discovered that living off the grid with a new identity isn't quite the cakewalk they make it out to be in tv and movies.
Years ago, I got bacterial pneumonia. Wasn't hospitalized (because my insurance was crappy), but it knocked me on my ass like nothing else. After two weeks, I went back to work because my boss insisted, over the objection of my doctor who said I needed at least another week of bedrest, minimum. Show up every day to…
No, they didn't do that for once. But they do do that on the regular with other plotlines. If you watch SVU, you will think that 75% of all rape allegations are either fake or accuse the wrong guy the first time.
I watch the show pretty regularly. I honestly was cringing in anticipation of them throwing in one of their L&O twists — which happens nearly every episode. She was raped, but accused the wrong person! She was raped, but it was all set up by her and/or her fiance for publicity!
And what's the special nickname for people who jump in to defend any random man even when he doesn't deserve it, before all the facts are in and/or ignoring any grey areas? Gamergater?
The Fire TV is slightly faster for loading apps, but the Roku is much more fully developed in terms of apps/channels, some screen mirroring and casting features, etc.
The Fire TV is slightly faster for loading apps, but the Roku is much more fully developed in terms of…
It also seems to reinforce the idea that whites are the default humans. When they say people, they mean white ones.
Chromebooks, too, obviously (and, yes, it seems to work nicely so far).
Ah, that's their game! Making people live to 100 so they can make the big bucks on the back end when we live long lives! So sneaky.
What if I have a note from my rheumatologist?
I have RA and just ordered one. I hope it works.
I have RA and just ordered one. I hope it works.
I prefer your version.
I think what she meant is that lesbians don't need their periods to know they are not pregnant. They could, of course, if they want to, have children, but that takes intent on their part (and, often, a bunch of money if they do IVF).
Bragging about banging in the Oval Office means you might be getting a visit from the Secret Service. (Are we to infer that they were left alone in there, or were they doing it with everyone watching?)