
It's cool that she credited God and all, but it's kind of shitty that she disrespected all of her crew members, the people who did a whole lot of work to make sure the whole thing came off right. God did not magically conjure the sets, lighting, music, choreography, costumes, sound mixing, etc, etc. "Some random

Heh. I live in NJ. When the first Walmart here opened, they got a special waiver from corporate to have the greeters not actually greet people because it was making the customers uncomfortable and downright surly. The "greeters" here still only gather carts.

My favorite part was when he threw in the part about the guy's Obamaphone (that $9.75 extravagance). Or, actually, the "government paid phone", which I assume means the customer is a secret agent.

Nah, it was more about using actors that the audience remembers, not who a person would naturally see when having visions at death (like their own loved ones/family).

No, see, it all makes sense. If we eliminate all abortions and birth control, the birth rate is going to go way up, so we need to bring back all the deadly childhood diseases to cull the herd.

Hell, even after. "Man shoots 6 people, it's a mass shooting! Oh, wait, it was 'just' a domestic incident, doesn't count."

But most people are going to add some kind of fat for flavoring to broccoli, whether that's butter or cheese sauce or olive oil. 2 glugs of olive oil to dress 2 heads of broccoli is not exactly decadent.

I was just thinking it would almost make sense for a butcher to allow you to pre-buy that quarter or half cow... then basically get a punch card to pick up the bits as you need them. I remember growing up in WI, there were places you could take the deer you got hunting, and they would butcher it and keep it in their

I've had a chronic condition for about 15 years, and I've found the easiest thing is to keep a spreadsheet of all my meds. I list the med, the dosage, timing, which doctor prescribed it (or advised it, if OTC), RX number or OTC, renewal date, and what it's for. When I get or drop a med, I save as a new sheet with the

Exactly, it's a side dish, ideally.

I like to think of it as Ubertrout sending out the Batshit Signal (seriously, where are they coming from? it's creepy).

I love you.

You seem to have misread. The same tests were scored twice, once by teachers who knew who they were, a second time by anonymous checkers who didn't know anything about the students (including gender). The girls scored higher on the very same tests when the grader didn't know they were girls. This wasn't the girls

Mine would, every damn year, try smearing Carmex on my chapped nose. I would squeal in pain, and she would remember not to do it... until the next winter.

I have one of the Zippo hand warmer. It definitely gets toasty hot, and I'm glad I bought it. Two things though: I have never gotten anywhere close to 12 hours out of a fill, closer to two hours, max. And it is nearly impossible to fill it without spilling butane (but I swear I'm not spilling so much that it would

I have one of the Zippo hand warmer. It definitely gets toasty hot, and I'm glad I bought it. Two things though: I

And yet you admit, you don't know it's not. All we do know is that this one time, these parents showed a jaw-dropping lack of judgment, and not out of desperation or poverty or any kind of understandable necessity, but because they wanted to go to a wine tasting. We don't know if foster care would be better or worse,

Apparently, it was to these parents. (And don't kid yourself, if they thought this made sense, this isn't the first time they've been negligent to these kids. It's not like this was a mandatory wine tasting.)

It's usually just the Dairy Queen (and other ice cream) stands that shut down, not the ones with a full restaurant and indoor seating. People definitely eat ice cream in the winter, but they don't really stand outside and eat it, at least not in quantities to make it worthwhile to stay open. Although, hey, that's

Honestly, it's the only way to keep that Kopps cone from melting down your arm. Frozen custard is so much meltier than ice cream.

My local Shop-Rite (NJ) has Carvel cakes in a little freezer by the bakery.