
I tend to think they are closer to the terrible parent end of the spectrum, based on the fact that the inescapable conclusion is that they intended right from the start to leave the kids in the car during this wine tasting. Some people above noted that A. the family live within walking distance of the hotel where the

And it's still not true, as posted above:

And so far, at least, No More's "awareness" campaign has been incredibly facile. No explanation of what abuse is, no direction to resources for the victims or for the abusers (therapy, not, uh, how to abuse better, of course), nada. So far their entire message has been, "Abuse exists, and it's really hard to talk

I've been getting the Quilted Northern through Amazon Subscribe and Save for a while. It's a fraction of the price that my supermarket is charging, and delivered to my house. (I do hate giving money to the Koch Bros, but at least I'm wiping my butt with it.)

That MRE deal is terrifying — it comes with one meal, picked at random. For $10, it could be fajitas, or ravioli, or... oatmeal! Who knows!

Oh, no doubt. Even if Meg or Amy got flighty ideas about it, Jo would just wait until Demi and Daisy and Josie and Bess were at school and shoot 'em up then, because she would have none of that nonsense.

Maybe the Grid-Its mentioned above? They come in a lot of sizes.

I have never read the books, but I know the woman that Kristy was based on. She's pretty cool. And definitely vaccinated her kids.

I think Laurie would call bullshit on that. But Meg? Meg would totally be an anti-vaxxer, and also make John go vegan after he gained weight doing Paleo.

I am horribly allergic to lavender. Just the scent alone makes me sneeze, but if the flowers or oils touch my skin, I break out in hives. My aunt gave me some laundry soap (not as a gift, just something she didn't want), and I didn't realize it had goddamned lavender oil in it. Washed a load, threw on some of the

Nah, it could be she was always awful, but he just didn't notice because the majority of their time spent together before he got sick was spent having sex, and not much else. It's amazing what some people (of both genders) will overlook when the sex is frequent and satisfying.

So spot on. Just today, I got a beaut of a reply here on Jez from some Reddit Refugee I have been arguing with (over that NFL DV PSA). He A. assumed I was a man, probably because I mentioned being a firefighter, B. proceeded to reel off a paragraph long screed in which he called me a Misogynist Dickless Homosexual

I do know there are certain professions (military, emergency services, medicine and sciences) where this is common, but the real tell is when the person uses female for women, but men for men. The people carrying it over from work tend to be consistent (using both female and male).

I don't doubt Tom loves Rita. In fact, after he'd been dating her for 3 years while still married to wife #1, not long after the divorce, he went on a talk show and declared that Rita was the only woman he had ever loved. Sorry, but that kind of left a bad taste in my mouth. I'm sure their love is true, but I really

Police/emergency services and the military are the only other places where male is commonly used instead of men — and in all places, it is used to intentionally dehumanize and create a distance.

Way back in the '90s, I worked for a place that was doing some cutting edge computer stuff. The guy in the cube next to me was given a Mac and told to make our system work with the voice controls built into it. So I was treated to weeks of him training his computer, saying "Apple... Apple... Apple..." for fucking

I'm a woman, you twit. Always have been, always will be.

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who remembers that Tom dumped his first wife (while his older kids were toddlers) for Rita, with some fuzzy timing.

Brooke comes to mind, but I guess most people who transition to another gender want a new name that is unambiguously of that gender. (Although I do know a transwoman who chose the name Stacy.)

I would think you could maybe extrapolate from the written advice under the pictures, particularly if you like to wear your hair long? (If it makes you feel better, we women have to do this with a lot of male-oriented articles.)