
Pretty sure it's going to end up on Hulu as part of the Epix deal. Soon.

I am actually shocked no one has asked her to play the Grandmother in Pippin. She would be beyond perfect.

I've always figured that part of it is that they've pegged their moral superiority on the idea that all gay sex is extramarital sex, thus always sinful. So now that gay people can get married, they can have that hot licit marital sex and bigots can't figure out how to hate on that.

And then you get to graduate to Zoom.

I do wonder what his sister did on the show — he very casually drops in that she used to work there, which is glaringly obviously how he got the referral to even audition, but never mentions her beyond that.

I desperately, desperately need someone to explain to him that he cannot sing until it really sinks in. That's just whispering while you play piano, man.

No Anthony Quinn as an Eskimo in The Savage Innocents?

Indeed. One thing that strikes me is that I *get* why Miller's Sherlock attracts his band of Irregulars. You can see why people volunteer to help him and work with him. I don't get why anyone would voluntarily associate with Cumberbatch's Sherlock unless they desperately need a detective.

Someday she might want pepperoni pizza instead of your sausage.

See, and I think that previously closed relationships that suddenly decide to become open because they are sexually bored with each other are almost always a pointless prelude to divorce, and nearly always an idea had by one partner who pressures a much less enthusiastic partner into it by ultimatum. Most people know

Where do you live that people are doing scat play or extreme BDSM in public?

And that would be possible if their deal was she could sleep with other women, but not men (assuming she's heteroromantic and doesn't get into relationships with women), and he doesn't get any outside tail. But she's supposed to be okay if he sleeps with other women he could leave her for, so there's an imbalance and

It was childish and pathetic for Lorne Michaels to book Trump as a host during an election.

I thought it sounded like their established arrangement, according only to him, was 100% about him and his pleasure. He gets to fuck whoever he wants, whenever he wants, for his own pleasure.According to him, she gets to fuck only the men he pre-approves and then gives a report on, again for his pleasure. Even if she

The first response was terrible. It's all on the wife to make things right when she's not the one with the problem — the problem is that the husband wants one set of rules for himself and one set for her, and when she played by his rules, he had a meltdown. So what happens when his wife tells him to get bent? Dan

I find it so much weirder that people on the West Coast have to deal with football games starting before noon.

A. He hadn't told Donna yet, iirc, and once he did, Donna was there for him. B. Gordon was neglecting Donna just as much, if not more, in S1. C. Since the money came from design of the Giant, which Donna worked on numerous times for free, and made some major innovations on with no credit, not to mention they were a

It's the same complaint people had about "The Night Chicago Died", which references "the east side of Chicago" (Chicagoans will insist that that is somewhere beneath the depths of Lake Michigan).

Could be. It's still 1994 in Manchester, probably.

The episodes really are of their time, which is why I find it so confusing that Law & Order: UK, which is still in production and shows up on BBCA sometimes, is based on just randomly taking the original US L&O scripts and rewriting them for the UK system/actors. You end up with consecutive eps pulled from all over