
It always surprised me when I hear Mariska giving interviews about how positive/supportive her show is of rape victims, when fully 50% of the episodes end up having the victim be a liar (especially when it's a teenage girl), either accusing the wrong person or flatout making the whole thing up/actually committing a

There was that one time he explained that some black men are on the downlow, but, yeah, that's about it.

Not everyone thinks saying nasty things about basically anyone who isn't a straight white dude was ever good enough to share with the world. If I want to think someone who left up tweets for years labelling women (of which I am one) cunts and whores is forever an asshole, that's as much my right as him publicly saying

It's all SVU and NCIS, as far as the eye can see.

Is that the one where the guy finds out his wife is seeing a gigolo, so he becomes one? I'm never sure if that is a satire of really bad shows or what.

No, it's called, "Merely yelling: Yo, which actors do you mistake for someone else? Oh, wait, it's Sibling Week, we'll work it into that instead."

Just for this bit, as far as I can tell. Watching the opening of his new CC show, the light glints off his glasses' lenses a lot during his standups.

Agreed. And "Walter Reed" is one of his best ever. I also really like the Beatlesque "I Can Tell".

Weird that they didn't mention that their mother is Talia Shire (Adrian from Rocky), who is Francis Ford's sister.

Michael has a lot of good stuff. I really liked most of Resigned and MP4.

Years back, I needed a new coffeemaker. Standing in Bed Bath & Beyond, I spotted a silver Cuisinart drip machine and thought, "I don't know why, but this one feels right." Bought it, brought it home. And it was only after I had it that I realized why it felt so right — because every damned coffee maker on every single

I wonder if part of this will be connecting ethernet to the tvs so it isn't part of the wifi service (which still probably costs extra).

I honestly understand gender dysmorphia better than people who describe themselves as gender queer. I read a thing by someone identifying as the latter, and it seemed to involve a lot of slotting every action, thought and feeling into a "masculine" or "feminine" box. That seems like a lot of energy devoted to

Yet, oddly, transwomen seem to be a lot more visible and, in many ways, accepted, than transmen. I can name quite a few transwomen, especially actresses and models. I can name Chaz Bono and… that's it. While it may be difficult to give privilege away, it's even harder to acquire it. A woman who was born a man seems

Digging up a new hookup every other week or so is not that remarkable when you are single. When you are a married man with kids at home that you are ostensibly responsible for? That's dedicating a lot of time to your secret dating life. Most single parents aren't hooking up with 20 different people in a year.

1842, maybe.

Some people never grow out of it (or trophy wives wouldn't exist as a concept). It must be exhausting.

Read his letter again. He only wants her to explain because he thinks if she would…. that he would then get blow jobs. That "…" is him deciding that whatever her reason is, he can talk her out of it. He doesn't want an explanation or better intimacy or more trust, he wants to win this imaginary argument and make her

What is there to talk about? She's made it clear that she doesn't want to do it often. Being constantly nagged about it is just going to make her want to do it even less.

Sean O'Neal is seven squirrels in a trench coat? I knew it!