
I think it means gay/bi men have smaller than average hands.

I think they also snaked a lot of the Viacom content from Netflix, too. All three of the majors (Netflix, Amazon, Hulu) have their strengths and weaknesses.

Yeah, all of them are on Hulu. They seem to have a better deal with BBC than the other two.

Technically, I think Hulu these days has more British series than either of them — like, by an order of magnitude. They have Life on Mars and all that stuff. I do hate the ads, though, and have all 3 streaming services, so I'd much rather watch stuff on Netflix or Amazon (their Roku interface is better than the web,

Libertarian is not the same as liberal.

I was curious, and, per the Korean Times, she and her family came to CA from Korea when she was 10.

I agree. It's horrible the way that fathers almost always get custody in the 10% of divorce cases where it's contested.

The truth is, and it hurts me as a woman to admit this, there are a bunch of women out there who are stupid and/or crazy and/or self-hating. Ideally, only the really vile women would hook up with the really vile men, but vile people do have the unfortunate habit of sucking non-vile people into their clutches (though

Publicly making out with a man is going to get a guy labelled 100% gay, as opposed to a woman who is going to be assumed to be "experimenting". You're making exactly the assumption that I just called out. Guys "experiments" are in private, but I doubt the ratio is as out of whack as you think.

I always am amused that the assumption is that bi people of both genders will eventually realize that what they really want is to be with men. Bi men are really just gay, and bi women are just going through a phase, but when it's time to "choose", the only true choice is D. Yeah, right.

Hey, Russ, I think you meant this for Colin Farrell.

Crowe was in a movie just last year, Winter's Tale, in which the two main characters are supposed to be 21 (explicitly). The female role was played by a 24-year-old actress. The male role was played by 38-year-old Colin Farrell. Russell Crowe somehow never mentioned having any problem with this.

It probably wasn't an allergy. You probably had Reye Syndrome, which happens when you give children with fevers/viral infections aspirin. It's very nasty, and the reason why most aspirin now has warning labels on it.

You made me go look at the cast photos and… really? The guy who played Pippin was the least good looking guy in the entire cast. Aim higher.

Patti still complains about that.

"I Feel Fine" by The Beatles. My mother disagreed.

You're wondering why she shared this with you? I'm wondering why her father-in-law thought this was appropriate to share with his son's wife. (Rule of thumb for dads: no talking about your boners or lack their of with those related only by marriage, unless it is your own spouse.) Bet she's looking forward to seeing

I love that you can tell she is genuinely, actually a fan. They had some guy on not long ago who busted out a spiel that made me think, "Oh, someone had their assistant highlight pages from the TWD wiki for him."

But when we saw Shelley with her kids, he and Gini had been dating for 3+ months at that point. Same with Ethan, they had been together for a while before she introduced him to the kids. It's obvious to us that these men are disposable, but I don't think anyone in a relationship that has lasted a few months is

I was kind of surprised by how much I hated A to Z (don't get me wrong, I hated Selfie, too). You wouldn't think such bland lead characters would annoy me so much, yet by the end, I wanted them to both die miserable and alone.