
Prime is getting out of hand with the add-ons. I get the new movie rentals and the established premium channels with a ton of content (HBO/Sho/Starz), but all these $5 add-ons with so little content you can watch it all during a free trial? Annoying.

Or, crazy thought, cast someone who can both act well and passably do a Minnesota accent.

"Fancyarcher says we don't break the fourth wall in real life, but we all know that isn't true, right, folks?" <wink>

It still cracks me up that they had Jim become a pro sports agent in Austin, a city with no pro sports teams. I'm sure that worked out well.

I can hang in until they reset everyone's ages back to 30, which always sends me into a nerd rage.

I think RBG will hang in there out of sheer force of will, but I hope she has some kind of Weekend at Bernie's pact set up for a worst-case scenario.

Considering the horrifically stupid, bad and forgettable shows AS has greenlighted over the years, I'm sure it's more that they were hostile to women pitching from the start, and now, 15 years down the line, funny creative women know better than to waste their time being insulted by Lazzo and don't pitch them at all.

I love how just, apropos of nothing, throws in the bit about how he berates his wife for not being a virgin when they got married. He sounds awesome! His kids are going to love hanging out with him at McDonald's every other weeknd.

Replying to you even later (which, adding comments way after the fact was part of the beauty of TWOP forums)… the moderation got WAY harsher after the Bravo takeover. I never got in trouble pre-Bravo, had been posting from the DW days, then they came in with non-TWOP moderators who would ban you for six months for

Manic when she was curled up on the couch? Huh? Being self-absorbed and self-obsessed is a pretty common manifestation in depression, pretty easily observed if you ever had to do group therapy.

I wouldn't be into it either, but I still remember the scene from thirtysomething when Ken Olin's character's dad died. His wife told him, they hugged and it segued immediately into sex. I guess grief sex is a thing for some people. Maybe it's an LA thing.

The only thing clear to me is the guy is kind of delusional clueless ass. He thinks his current girlfriend, who he clearly does not love, and who he has only been dating a few months, would jump at the chance to marry him — but he also was pretty sure a week ago that he could write a letter to his ex and she'd take

1966 wasn't exactly a peaceful or pleasant time in America, especially if you were not a straight white man over draft age.

I love the apparent tradition of having her sing in the finale each season.

I love when they booed his Cosby joke.

I still remember stumbling across it on CSPAN one night back in the 90s — Al Franken was hosting and I had no idea what it was. (Franken killed.)

Follow up: In this week's ep of Mom, Christy, a server, gets pneumonia. She gets hauled off to the hospital by ambulance TWICE. She gets put in a spacious private room "to rest", with no need for oxygen or an IV. Apparently, she is admitted for several days. Never once does cost or insurance come up. Even with

You mean with Alison Janney? It started out that way, but they keep finding reasons for them to have nicer apartments than they can afford and rich friends. I'd say The Middle, mostly, and maybe Bob's Burgers. Oh, and Broad City (not actually poor, but slightly realistic about being broke with a safety net of middle

They also gave a bunch of money to Adam Sandler to make things no one will admit watching.

Since I haven't cut the cord yet, I can see what happens — movies that cut from Netflix/Amazon/Hulu for only a month or 3 almost always end up on one of the cable nets (premium or no) for their rotation. Sometimes randomly, sometimes for a specific thing like launching a new movie in the series (the Bond films do this