
So I am! Thank you for letting me know.

Aaand this is where I realize I don’t actually know how to tell if I’m grey? Oops.

Testing testing?

My only gripe is that Charlotte went full evil a little too quick (I know she doesn't much care for humans who aren't Dan, but hurting Linda like that?), but she was desperate, out of time, and freshly betrayed by her sons, so I guess I get it.

I'm so relieved! I figured it was pretty much safe, but I've been burned by Fox before (haven't we all?).

It clicked 100% with episode 9, for me (with other standouts being eps 4 and 8). But you should still watch all the episodes, in my opinion. Season 1 is heavier on the procedural aspect (though there's still a season-long arc) but it really sets up the characters and their dynamics. Also, even the mostly procedural

I think she does genuinely love her children, Uriel included (I don't think she faked her guilt during that scene, or her love) but I think she loves her plan for revenge even more. Like, I don't question her motherly love, but I don't think it's enough to stop her from manipulating and using her children for her

I think he did realize that, and that's why he was able to escape hell. He no longer felt (as) guilty, because he realized he did what he had to do to save Chloe. And he'd probably do it again. That's why he snapped out of it, in the end.

They've often mentioned that Lucifer has only been on Earth for "5 years", and early on (maybe even in the pilot) Chloe (or was it Dan? Sorry to be vague) said something like, "this guy didn't exist 5 years ago", meaning there are no records of "Lucifer Morningstar" before that point. And he's talked to Linda about it

True! And I like that notion, frankly. No need to be constricted by biblical texts. It's more fun to work within the context of a broader mythology.

Same here, I had never cried before watching this show, but that scene with Lucifer, Charlotte and Uriel did it for me. It was so well acted, I think it's only natural we were affected.

This is just a theory, but I think when Lucifer literally annihilated him to protect Chloe, that's when it probably dawned on Uriel that she was important. He hadn't anticipated that, so he didn't know that Chloe was anything more than an average person. But when Lucifer killed him to protect her (out of love?), that

Ha, true that! Maybe she's just not the main event, if you will. She's Miracle No.1, which happened in order to create Trixie, which, in turn, was God's true goal.

I noticed that too, Chloe seemed to be acting cold in the promo. As expected. And I've seen the pics, I'm really curious to see how Chloe will be involved in the next episode. Will it be parallel storylines, Lucifer in Vegas and Chloe, what, solving a random case? That doesn't seem likely. We're definitely missing

No one knows for sure. I think the writers are deliberately using an ambiguous-sounding word. I understand closed captioning (for some, at least) said "peace", but personally I'm not convinced. I feel "piece" makes more sense for a pattern-detector like Uriel.

Exactly. So there was an element of unpredictability involving Lucifer and his feelings for Chloe, maybe? Or, would Lucifer have killed Uriel to save Charlotte alone? How much of that was an actual "choice"? I'm with you, I can't wait until we see more about Lucifer's early days in LA. I'm hoping we might also

Did I just rewatch this episode? Yes I did.

That's what I'm wondering, if the others will feel as blindsided as Chloe, or even more. Last time Lucifer ditched her (on their date), she was very matter-of-fact and casual about it, all "I know what your excuse is and I don't want to know her name" (paraphrasing). I feel she might react similarly now. She might

I just saw your comment upthread. I agree. I feel we will get a combination of destiny and personal choice, as you say. And there is a parallel between Anne conceiving Mary and Penelope Decker conceiving Chloe (which I never realized before, actually). So you/we might be onto something.

That's a good point about Chloe (and I don't think she is the piece, the more I think about it), but perhaps Uriel only realized what the "piece" was right as he was dying. Maybe the fact Lucifer would actually kill him "proved" or somehow convinced Uriel that the "piece" was here. But you're absolutely right, Trixie