Shelly Kay

Kinda hard to stop after investing so many years into it. There are so many things about this season that annoy me but I literally cannot stop watching now.

Lexi found peace so I'm thinking maybe it was his mother that took him.
I hope I'm wrong because I LOVE Lexi and I would be excited to see her again but since Kai has returned, Stefan's mom is another possibility.

I have a theory about the cure issue.
1 vial of the cure worked for Elena and Katherine but Silas drained Katherine completely when he took it from her.
There was not a single drop of blood left in her and I think that's what caused her to start aging rapidly.
Drinking 1 vial of Stefan's blood may not cause him to age

I'm not ready to forgive Stefan. I just wanted him to die throughout the entire episode.
I'm growing tired of the resurrections but I do want Bonnie to get Enzo back and I'm thinking that blood necklace might be something she can use to contact him. I just want to see her happy for more than 5 freaking seconds!
I am

As stated in my other comment, it's not an abortion if the baby dies naturally and if the woman is able to carry the baby to a week before it's due date, obviously her health hasn't been jeopardized.
Screw planned parenthood, they've murdered millions of innocents. I really don't care what happens to them. There are

You have no idea what you're talking about. It's not an abortion if the baby dies of natural causes!! You should look that up and you should also educate yourself on how full-term and partial-birth abortions are performed.

He didn't brag about assaulting anyone. He said "you can do anything, they let you do anything. Grab them by the ….." The media has turned that into "assault" by being literal on the "grab" part and completely deaf on the "they let you" part.
Clinton has had scandals for decades and she even stole from the white house

Considering the fact that there are several documents in WikiLeaks that prove her campaign had been colluding to frame Trump for sexual assault, yes I do believe it was a setup!
Trump had never been accused of anything like this until he became a threat to her candidacy.
It's what you call conveniently timed

I'd rather have a candidate who wants peace with Russia instead of war with them and it's not "useless garbage" when it's the truth.

Raping "children"
I'd love to see the proof of that
There is plenty of proof of Hillary's crimes and the only evidence against Trump are the accusations from someone who is notorious for making false claims about people so I wouldn't call someone "addle-minded" if you actually believe the baseless allegations against

The person who started that story about Trump was a Jerry Springer producer who is notorious for making false claims and the case has already been dismissed once. Same thing will happen next month. The woman claiming Trump raped her canceled another interview she promised to give. She's lying, plain and simple. Funny

You just proved your ignorance.
They are illegal now, Hillary wants to change that.
If the child is already dead, it's called a miscarriage or stillbirth and if a woman is able to carry the child to full-term her health obviously hasn't been compromised.
No excuse for it.

Typically, yes but Hillary wants to change that. She believes a baby still in the womb has no constitutional rights and that it justifies killing a full-term baby on it's due date.
Even the 2nd trimester abortions are barbaric. Anyone whop supports it should imagine what it's like to be dismembered while their still

They've been "debunked" by "facts" on websites created by people who endorse Hillary and by the corrupt government officials protecting her. Say whatever you want. I'll get the last laugh when the truth is revealed for all to see. Keep believing that every single scandal, lie and crime she's been involved in is

I'm proud to be black- Media: "you should be!"
I'm proud to be Asian- Media: "we support you!"
I'm proud to be Mexican Media: "You're not alone!"
I'm proud to be a feminist Media: "That's so empowering!"
I'm proud to be an atheist Media: "We support you!"
I'm proud to be white Media: "You're so racist!"

You're either one of Hillary's pathetic social justice warriors, a deportable, or you're just plain stupid.
Or perhaps, all the above…

It never ceases to amaze me how liberals pretend Hillary hasn't been involved in 1 scandal after another for decades, has been lying under oath since the 70's, laughed about a violent pedophile passing a polygraph, lied about landing under sniper fire, ignored hundreds of requests for increased security which resulted

Trump has apologized publicly too. Is he forgiven as well?

sorry, I know the truth can be so boring but I'm not here to entertain, I'm here to educate.

that comment is a fail in itself