Shelly Kay

Um, nothing in my comment disputed any of that but if that was a photo of Trump with the same person the left would lose their minds over it. That was the whole point of my comment and the photo.
The media conveniently omits the things that make Hillary look bad and concentrates on dumb things to demonize Trump.

And you really need to educate yourself on the partial-birth and late-term abortions because they are very real and the way their performed is absolutely disgusting. Stabbing babies in the back of the head or tearing them apart while they are still alive is the worst kind of evil I can imagine.
I never used the term

Hillary is about to be indicted for a LOT more than just being a pedophile thanks to the wikileaks sources who are finally coming forward admitting they have been submitting the documents being published daily.
Hillary and Bill took a lot of private trips with billionaire pedophile Epstein and sources are about to

Trump denounced a recent white supremacist endorsement but Hillary on the other hand speaks very highly of her close friend Robert Byrd, which was a KKK leader prior to his death!
Morons https://uploads.disquscdn.c…


How you gonna feel when Hillary is indicted for being a pedophile? You probably won't care at all since you support someone who wants to decriminalize murder by allowing partial-birth abortions.
You people are sick.
I'm not telling anyone they should vote for Trump but if you vote for her, you're the one who's

The publisher says Trump supporters are filled with hate and that's why he supports Hillary but the headline is "I Want Trump Supporters To Lose Badly And Go Fucking Die"
Thank you for proving us "Trump Supporters'" point by showing where the real hate comes from!