
Just my own anecdote, but my parents did all of this to me (their oldest child) before attachment parenting was even a term (I'm 31). My mother had natural childbirth's with both me and my brother, used cloth diapers on me, carried me everywhere, co-slept with both of us, and nursed me until I was several years old.

Yeah I always thought that the adage was "heavy eye = neutral lip" and visa versa. So my thought was "Of course she's not wearing eye makeup- she's wearing bright red lipstick!"

What about Heath Ledger in 10 Things I Hate About You or Val Kilmer in the Saint. (And yes, I question the thesis that leaving in the end is a requirement for MPDG's.)

That's a great way to lose an arm. I seriously hate it when my husband touches my stomach and will yell at him if he does it. In all fairness, it may be a bit of an overreaction but it's an invasion of my personal space and makes me feel very uncomfortable. My issues with my stomach are of course, kind of ridiculous.

Monistat is like battery acid for me. But given that my sensitive skin isn't limited to one area of my body, I don't plan to apply that stuff anywhere! My hair actually grows really fast when I eat a lot of veggies. I've been putting several cups of spinach in my morning smoothies and my hair is outta control! :)

It's very Taylor Swift-esque, oddly enough- in the vein of "all other women suck but all men are amazing."

Did you know that Brazil nuts are the most radioactive food?

You could take the Tamar Adler approach and roast everything ahead of time, then just make mix and match meals during the week w/ various grains, proteins, and dressings. I tried this and while I wouldn't want to do it every week, it worked really well. Nothing went bad and everything tasted good. It's actually a

I find that one of the easiest things to perceive is whether or not a red is too young. Tasting too much tannin (or would it be too many tannins?) is not a subtle experience.

I think that you should also note that it's not a good idea to take azo on an empty stomach b/c it can make you puke- I've definitely learned that the hard way!

I really enjoy running with a friend, but it really helps if that friend is a) motivated and b) runs at a pace close to yours. Running with a super fast friend or, conversely, "running" with a friend who flakes on runs or walks a lot more than you want to can be discouraging.

Yes! Races are so much fun and are a great motivator!

I run where I know there will be some water fountains and I also leave water along the way- a great way to do this without having to plan ahead of tim is to leave water at your starting point, then loop back around to in during the run (imagine your path would be a big figure 8).

I think that if you feel like going faster hurts your knees and back, you should opt to either increase the percentage of time that you run instead of walk, and maybe increase the time you spend exercising. Try doing two 30 minute runs a week in which you try running for 3 minutes and walking for two minutes (and as

Ugh. I'd die. I had awful acne as a teen (and still, at the age of 30, have an acne problem- double ugh) and if I couldn't wear makeup to school I don't think I could have convinced myself to go. Uniforms were bad enough- I don't have a defined waist at all and hated being forced to tuck in my shirt- it looked awful.

My tips are to a) bring a really captivating book (my best airport reading material has been courtesy of either Truman Capote or Anthony Bourdain), b) to take anti-anxiety meds. If you do, however- DO NOT DRINK. Benzos and Booze don't mix, kids. Actually, Benzo's and books don't really mix either and I eventually

Does she mean this is the context of first dates, or for *all* dinner dates? Because I don't think that's at all sustainable over a courtship of any length... I think it's completely unfair for a guy to have to finance an entire relationship even if he's one of the rare guys who could comfortably afford to.

When she said she doesn't take her bracelets off, all I could think about what the "why you should always take your jewelry off" article on Jezebel a few months ago!

They fixed the bones in her chest too. I have a similar bony chest issue going on- it's one of the reasons I maintain a higher body weight now that I'm a little older- my chest and face have less fat to spare. Well, that and the fact that food is wonderful. :)