
@portia_sue: That's exactly what I'm wearing today. Haha.

The benefit of being petite is if you ski. Children's ski clothes are significantly less expensive than adult ski clothes. Last winter I got a pair of Spyder ski pants in a girl's XL for $80. The comparable pants in women's are currently $139 or so.

@portia_sue: I feel your pain! If it fits my shoulders correctly, it's not wrapping itself around my boobs! And pants maker seem to assume that anyone with hips my size have a waist that is 3" smaller than mine. Bleh!

I, for the most part, like it when I do things that remind me of my mother. I've gotten more "type B" as I've gotten older, which is a very mom trait. I've always been more "type A" like my dad, actually I'm a lot like my dad, and I really hate that. So when I see my calm, nurturing side come out, that's when I think

Wow. She's been my hair icon for a couple years did she know I am obsessed with a pixie cut (but have thus far refrained from getting one)? Love it!

But what about slingbacks?

I watched this yesterday and had the sinking feeling that Michelle will keep having children until she either becomes infertile due to getting older, or dies. And I just felt really really bad for her and her family.

I think my fiance has sleep envy of me! Despite being a girl (like that has anything to do with it) I am almost always out like a light the second I lay down. But since I'm not sleeping too deeply at first, if he talks to me I'll respond but have no memory of it in the morning. This has lead to a number of "I already

@Atomic B: Agreed. When anyone in my office brings stuff in, we just leave it on the table in the breakroom.

I totally do this because I prefer homemade sweets, but often just want one cookie. So I give the rest away. I also really enjoy when other people bring good stuff to the office so I don't feel *too*guilty. :)

@nrich: Do any others show the shift like that? I haven't been able to find any other bloopers like that. But the site is slow, so I'm not going to spend a long time looking- haha.

I have always had a lot of "camel toe" shame and I got it from a source I'd consider kind of strange- my grandmother. Two distinct memories- her having a shit fit the time I came over wearing an outfit I loved- black leggings and a big sweater with hearts all over it, because she said she could see my privates. I was

@MagImpalor is a god damn spy.: That's a good point. It often seems to me like Nice Guys (TM) will either go after someone who is really unattainable or really into icky guys just to justify their resentment of all girls.

"Guys, just perform this simple self-test: are you a relatively normal person? If no, get therapy. If yes, someone will probably like you just fine."

@kaywinnitlee: I don't know if it's narcissism, but that sounds like my dad. He was a salesman for a long time and it was like he used up all his good nature on other people, then came home and was alternately furious and sulking or smug and superior for most of my childhood and when he was upset it was like a dark

My brother considers himself a Nice Guy (TM). And I will tell you that he has never given anyone anything that didn't come with a string attached. His entire line of reasoning is "you should do XYZ and not do ABC b/c I'm so nice to you."

@shanaynay: So I think we like to mark big transitions with a ceremony- hence graduation, marriage, etc... and so I see the appeal of an annullment. It just seems like it would feel more ceremonial than a divorce. (Of course, I didn't even show up in court for mine, I just let my lawyer go for me- maybe I'd feel like

@midwesternmom: Thank you! I hope your niece has gone on to have a wonderful life!

@checkyopremisebitch: And I used to be so afraid of judgement. I never told anyone about the problems in that marriage b/c I was afraid that I'd be judge for not leaving him sooner. And when I left him, I was afraid that people would judge me for choosing someone who behaved the way he did, or blame his behavior on

@LoSpaz: You're welcome! I've totally been there!