
Thanks for the great reviews. I’ve enjoyed reading your thoughts after each ep. Overall I am a fan of the series. I queried last weeks major focus on how Matt and Sweat ended up with their lengthy prison sentences but reflecting now, it really did bring me back from blindly supporting them as anti-heroes. This last ep

Emmett: “30 years I’ve been killing him. That was just when he fell.”

Nothing great but pretty watchable - Pratt and Lawrence are very nice to look at. But doesn't Laurence Fishburne's character Gus say that the faulty systems from the meteor strike 2 years ago stuffed up his pod's support systems, resulting in the gazillion disorders he had. So did Pratt potentially save Aurora by

I guess this one didn't draw enough interest to warrant episodic reviewing. Shame… I really like the pace and feel of this show

I enjoyed this…. lots of creepy…. engaging…. kept me interested. Probably not a huge fan of the revelations that come at the end but as it was contained to 3 episodes and not dragged out over 8, I found it quite a well paced, intriguing show.

This! Kind of enjoying that 'in your opinion' is also 'in my opinion'.

I thought the same…. it was kind of awkward and quick…. when he didn't answer her call the next day I thought that was why - he just wanted to bang her and move on…. but the show hasn't played it that way to date. And while I would love Alicia to be single at the end of the series, I think the plan is she will be with

How about that kickass candy jar on David Lee's coffee table lol! It completely stole the scene.

Coincidentally, I recently watched the S5 episodes where Diane works out that Alicia is leaving LG with Carey and the 4th year associates and tells Will…. and Alicia ends up being escorted out by security. It was emotional…. and Diane was very very bitter. I know a lot of water has passed under the bridge, including

I thought the same. Was waiting for the light flashes through the window lol

When Camille has died *again* from the gunshot wound and then Virgil comes in and kneels down beside her, I thought for a minute he was going to 'awaken the sleeping beauty with the kiss of a fair prince'

Lol yes! I think it was the same in Season 1 too - I particularly noticed it when one of the Seguret girls would storm out of a house and go walking up a deserted street in what l thought were soft soled ugg boots - CLACK CLACK CLACK!

As an aside, I have never, ever thought that Juliana M looked anything like Sandra Bullock….. until she opened that front door to Jason. And then I couldn't think anything else…. I think it was in the shape of her eye…. Anyone else?

If I made $35K from a few phonecalls while working for my mum, I wouldn't be in a hurry to apply for college either!

So was that an electric typewriter on Mike Milligan's new desk?

I've been rewatching S2 and S3 recently…. Alicia did find out that she had missed a voice message from Will and says to hiim "Oh I just discovered I never heard a message you left me that night" and you can tell he thinks about telling her the truth but because (at that stage) she was reunited with Peter he just makes

Lol! You've performed a public service there.

For the first time ever… the wigs are starting to bug me lol!

Hmmmmm. I already knew this so I feel it was in a scene that didn't get cut. Trying to think back to when it was talked about….. or maybe I heard it on one of the Fargo podcasts….

And that one drunk at the bar never woke up