
It was more him finding the piece of lens that I struggled with. How much snow and traffic would that passing road have seen since Ry became a hood ornament? Yet Hanzee zones right in on it… but maybe it's part of a higher theme, as he the same with the belt buckle….

I rarely notice costume but when Ted Danson (Hank?) pulled the 3 from Kansas out of the car and the Kitchen (?) brothers were wearing the same outfit with the colours of the coat and shirt/skivvy reversed I had a good laugh.

Or the castle dumpsters are there, full of cardboard boxes #EveryCopShow

… or a mishap during a cruise with a latino carer…

I keep feeling like the show wants me think that Carrie is 'infected' or evil or something - particularly that she knows full well her Dad is white eyed and bushy faced in the back room.

Sorry but after that I can't also read through 886 comments to see if this has been mentioned so…… wtf did Nero go into the garage to get in the previous episode….?

I thought exactly the same with those opening shots…. he looked older and weary

'Detective Artie Bucco' for the win!!