
I'd say it's ok if that woman (or her family/power of attorney) consented to it. Lots of people donate their bodies to science, but it has to be just that: a donation, not a forceful taking without consent.
So in this particular case I'd say no, it's not ok. But say if I wanted to be that guinea pig and wrote that in

Yeah, I lived in Germany for a few years and loved that I could always compare one-to-one. You're right, it's kcal/100g. We could do that here, something like "calories per ounce", rather than depending on arbitrary serving sizes.

" I'd be up at night thinking, "I wish I believed, maybe wishing I wished I believed was enough? But do I wish I believed?""

" I'd be up at night thinking, "I wish I believed, maybe wishing I wished I believed was enough? But do I wish I believed?""