I started out using chimichurri on steak, then I discovered that it is frickin’ amazing on roasted potatoes, with or without steak (but preferably with)!
I started out using chimichurri on steak, then I discovered that it is frickin’ amazing on roasted potatoes, with or without steak (but preferably with)!
Traditionally, chimichurri is made by hand, not with a food processor. A food processor will create a sauce that’s a bit more of a blended paste, while mixing by hand results in a luscious, oil-based condiment that drips off your food in rich, herbaceous slicks.
Back in 2017, I was having a Super Bowl party, and we had everything set and ready to go. I made homemade three-layer bean dip. I had slow-smoked over 150 wings. There was a cooler full of beer, and the carrots and celery were neatly stacked on a tray.
The ship has been interned by a belligerent foreign power. Based on my understanding of The Sea, the honorable thing would be for the crew to scuttle the Ever Given rather than let it fall into enemy hands.
You can't trick me into clicking on a deadspin article!
I don’t like to see people lose their jobs in this pandemic, but-
Can we knock over joggers/bikers/walkers who don’t do these and staple these rules to their heads?
Run on the correct side of the road (the left, facing traffic) and stay alert to your surroundings
If this was a straight couple on the hallmark channel, yes it would be lame.
This same source says Trump doesn’t have a “concession speech ready and [has] no intention of recognizing Joe Biden’s presidency,” even by attending his inauguration, and that Melania and Barron have “stayed in their private quarters” throughout the stinky hamburger conferences.
Why is he still a thing? I thought he destroyed his career by what, 9 pirates films and constantly destroying other disney film franchises with Tim burton...
Diesel electric locomotives are not hybrids, and they are NOT diesel electric for efficiency. It’s just an electric transmission because that is easier than direct drive when dealing with 10's of thousands of tons of weight and thousands of horsepower. It’s LESS efficient to turn diesel into electricity and then…
If I were Biden’s prep team, I’d focus on putting something relatively inane and mildly insulting to Trump in the last few seconds of every answer. I don’t think Trump will be able to remember what was spoken in the first few moments of each thing, and I would absolutely set him up in the last few seconds to go off…
I give Donald one minute into Biden’s first response before our man-baby prez starts shouting his interruptions since his mike will be muted then. After all, his mental illnesses of narcissism and sociopathy are that complete.
We’ve already begun stockpiling in anticipation of this. I’ve recently started collecting non-perishable and frozen items for the various holiday dinners we will be having at home which we don’t usually do. I assume more people will be having their own holidays so I’m willing to bet some of these things will be hard…
2nd Gear: Please don’t travel long distances to go skiing this winter. Please don’t travel long distances for anything.
This is a terrible idea.
Having worked in insurance one of the factors that determines your rates is how long you’ve had your policy. If you go around changing policies frequently it would probably increase your rates in the long run.
Let’s say I wanted an electric car right now. (And I kinda do.) Would I choose a new Tesla? Probably not. They’re just way too expensive. Perhaps a used one? I couldn’t do that either. I don’t trust their long term quality.
Are you kidding me? Are we talking professional services, or the “kid down the street” that is working under the table? 14 bucks an hour without taxes, especially, is a ridiculous pricing.