Every time I think I'm ready to switch to Google Voice, I remember there's no MMS. It's the only thing holding me back right now. In the meantime, I'm happy using GV for just visual voicemail with my old number.
Every time I think I'm ready to switch to Google Voice, I remember there's no MMS. It's the only thing holding me back right now. In the meantime, I'm happy using GV for just visual voicemail with my old number.
Luckily for me I am a very handsome pile of man. I'll get all the ladies!
Wow, they really ripped off Palm. Isn't the card system patented? That's exactly how it is on WebOS, down to the gestures.
Welcome to Twittermodo!
I understand the parents of the kids not wanting their children to be shown in that, but 20 years? Take down the vid and a few months in jail at most.
That doesn't work on a stock Evo...
Yep, as will the crotch stain.
Ugh, just as soon as I get all Scrabble'd out from Word Feud...
It's a shame it's been made so difficult to share tips nowadays...
No, this is not how you comment.
It says they weren't sure it would hold up to their music listening needs.
Meh, I'm not so impressed with WP7. Nokia shoulda bought Palm when they had the chance
Shift is $1.99, not $3.
I like how you included WebOS in the title over WP7. WebOS never gets any love.
@Walternate: Really??? Whoa, thanks.
Does this work on the non-MC 2nd gen iPod touch?
Hey I like whiskey. These will make my #whiskeytimewhitenoise adventures much more fancy.