Google Government coming out in 2014! I called it!
Google Government coming out in 2014! I called it!
Depends, I hate content apps. Take the Engadget app for instance, or any other app for just one blog or whatever. Why can't they just have a really good mobile site?
@samuriwerewolf: C'mon, it's not that bad! It's been enjoyable so far!
@Sheldon J. Plankton: Nevermind, for some reason it started working again.
@Sheldon J. Plankton: Whoa, I'm still pink here.
I had the beta dashboard, and I didn't have to update this morning, but now its saying my Force Unleashed 2 disc is unreadable even though I bought it yesterday and its in pristine condition. Anyone know how I can fix that?
@leulu1: That's Invisible Woman to you.
@Franzouse: Watch 1:25 of the video.
@silver-bolt: I'm fond of just peeking under.
@mruler360: Because that's totally happened before, right?
Ha, by next Spring you'd have to be an idiot to buy an iPhone 4.
@UgoBogdan: You use a specific application on your computer for pornography? I thought most people just used the browser.
NO!! Not an App Store! You may still be able to install apps the old way for now(actually, can you?), but you can bet in 10.8 or 10.9 they'll force you to use the App Store by itself.
@obedient.deviant: Is there anything right with it?
'Bout time!
@JakeMG: Waxing Pedantic: She's just not into you, man!
@johnpooley3: Banff you say?