Nice try, Farty Man!
Nice try, Farty Man!
Haha, that's in my neck of the woods! Her last name sounds very familiar, too.
@ekzachtly: It would melt and get in your food?
@Parge_Lenis: Of course he is! Lil' Bieber can't even grow a beard.
Don't they know that won't stop XDA?
It's a movie about nerds making a website. What do you expect?
@OMG! Hackintosh!: Aperture Science: Nice try, Rb3.
That's actually a really good idea. Why don't we see any commercial products like this?
Holy crap. When are you guys gonna start rick rolling us?
Nice try, Microsoft!
@kall: Why was yours?!
@Sheldon J. Plankton: GREAT!
@Rabinowitz: Is.
@Agagulba: Yahoo answers is full of trolls and stupid people who try to answer even though they don't have a clue about what they're talking about.
@BoscoH: Hahaha!
@N1ro: Seeing the current weather, for me at least, is completely useless. I already know what it's like out right now. The only use I have for checking the weather is to plan and see what the weather will be like in a few hours to a few days.
@dtptampa: WHERE?! All I see is a free trail, but I don't want one of those.
Nice! You think the signal would reach to PA?