shelby fero

sorry sorry! I thought these pics only showed up on the main binge watching hub and it'd be the last one :/ Let me see if I can replace it today

It gotten eaten by the site platform when they were fixing it/I was posting it at like 2 am(whoops) I'll have to rewrite and upload it so I'm a bit slow but I'm getting to it I promise!

It's up!

Dan you god among men

*poorly throwing voice* I heard she has great hair! *poorly throwing voice, again* woah crazy I heard that too! Wow must be true!

I gotta try to see if I can find it in an old untitled Pages doc on my computer, I'm planning to get around to it after these are done (or if I need to really procrastinate on Love)

I'm usually not a big "oh! Lookie here! A 'new, gritty' take on love!" person, but I've been delighted and impressed so far

thank you! fixed

oh wowwwww alright I'm on it

Hey, I'm really sorry—The Albert/Alan confusion is legitimately embarrassing (not the least because I did Google to make sure and I kept reading "Alan" for some reason). Sloppiness is pretty inexcusable on my part and I sincerely apologize. However, I can only watch so many shows a years, and since Trophy Wife didn't

Hey, I'm confused— My original finale binge review got eaten by the cms platform when it was getting over-hauled but I thought I reposted my review? Is it still not showing up??

woah! I'm so sorry, I'll correct this right now. Not confusing names continues to be my Archemedes' Heel

thank you! I'm so bad with names it's a real source of anxiety/embarrassment

I honestly don't think that's a horrible lens to view it through (although I err on a more sympathetic side than that). S2, especially, everyone's trying pretty hard to fix "it" without even knowing what "it" is and therefore become 100% more likeable. I think it's a really interesting look at how forcing someone to

Thank you for your concern, Mr. Threepwood, it warms my heart!


I thought the Christian-ness was a little distracting as well, but was meant to serve as a counter-point to the Pfeffermans in ways. While they can look down on this christian family for their "backwardsness," they also take in children and provide them a clearly loving home— evidenced by the dad's defensiveness over

I didn't find it callous of Raquel. It was a hard situation in general, and she didn't feel like she could take on Colton as a responsibility when Josh hasn't even come to terms with his existence and what Rita did to him.

That's true. I guess I'm kind of viewing this season in a vacuum of its own devising. For where it's at, this episode is an A- to me

ooooh, good question! I'll compile a list and get back to you