My Name Breaks the Rules

ok ok after seeing Dita on the list I just wanted to share something super awesome with y’all

Excuse me looking like an uber-dork but I got to meet her last weekend at her book signing, and then catch the burlesque show after!! I almost died, she is the most beautiful person I have ever seen in real life and such a

Hearing a parent say “call 911" is a horrible and haunting experience. It sucks hearing anyone say it, but something about hearing a parent sound panicked and helpless is particularly awful. It’s one of those things you can’t un-hear no matter how much you want to.

Where was Cheryl Teigs during the 90's when waifs and anorexia were the HOTTEST trend? She wasn’t overly concerned about health then, that’s for sure. And it’s not about health now, either. It’s about fat phobia and body shaming. I can’t fucking stand twits like this that give unsolicited medical advice. This

Good for her!!!

Goats are awesome AND where all the best cheese comes from.

God, you two, go back to fucking in the kitchen when you know your parents are coming over in ten minutes.

It’s like his nose is an arrow pointing straight to his lying mouth.

“I believe God was standing with me and that’s just my religious belief.”

God told me to tell Allen “Wow, you’re an asshole,” and that’s just my religious belief. /surfs away on gravitational waves.

I am a case manager for low income families. A lot of my clients have some trouble with family planning and regardless of the fact that some of them live off of less that a thousand dollars a month, continue having baby after baby. Do I think it’s right to keep bringing children into poverty? No. Do I keep my opinions

Yeah, they’re all vaguely brown so they must be all from the same vague brown culture! And white Australians who wouldn’t even exist if not for the recent violent invasion of someone else's country totally have the moral high ground in deciding who gets to peacefully immigrate to “their” country! Idiot.

This is the one movie where I found Ryan Phillippe just so unattractive. Also, this movie really just has the 3 tropes of heterosexual women in movies. The Manipulative and Evil Temptress™, The Virgin Who is Different From Other Girls™, and The Dumb and Vapid Slut™. The only thing that’s missing is The Girl Who is

I read a tweet once that said “vaping is a fedora for your mouth,” and I’ve always thought that Leo DiCaprio was the human version of a fedora, so by transitive property... was he smoking himself?

Posting pictures of a child (ANY child) to tell everyone that they are a disgusting example of fatness or what’s wrong with America is always going to be an awful, mean, damaging thing to do to said child.

For fuck’s sake, stop defending ignorance.

I propose that images of Danny Devito replace all the KUWTK brood.

This is where Donald Trump came from.

IDK I may be thinking of the chapter and verse that says God won’t let you into Heaven if you sell pizza to gay people.

my main boo