
That's exactly it in a nutshell. I have narrowly escaped more than one Liz Lemon-esque eye-roll related injury over the past years when articles would pop up his classes and then teaching and supposedly flying across the country to attend one program or another. Give me a break. Not possible. Sadly, those institutions

Me to the FrancNO

Yep. Exactly. It makes my scalp itch with irritation. I couldn't even hate-read the excerpts from his terrible essay. Also, I think the aneurysm burst once I got to the end of that first sentence about him being a professor. THE WORST.

James Franco is NOT a professor of anything. A PhD makes you a doctor, not automatically a professor. It's a long process to become a full professor: assistant prof, associate prof., full professor. Sorry FrancNO, you can't even buy one. I have a PhD, but I'm not a full professor nor would I ever call myself one. It's

I wish we could leave him in Germany with his monkey.

Right! Or the notion that people were walking around with unfulfilled, meaningless lives before "children changed everything." Aren't there other ways to have transformed experiences, to live enlightened or empathetically evolved and expanded lives that does NOT include a small being attached to your nipple?

Thanks! That's another awesome way to look at it as're right..I would never NOT consider my husband not my family or something. Truth.

TRUTH! When people ask if I'm going to start a family, I say "I don't know.." in this very apologetic tone, like I'm excusing my ambivalence for....who? Me I guess. Fuck. That. Noise. I will HelenMirrenIT from now on. BLAMMO!

He is a walking pile of garbage. Dead human vs. piece of metal likely manufactured by Russian kids in Afghanistan. Fuck you Joe the Fucker you fucking fuck.

Donna Martin ane! That would have been an AWESOME 90210 story line. Maybe it was. Maybe what we're seeing are the pages to some lost 90210 script..ohpleaseohpleaseohplease.

He looks like Ellen looking like Alexander Skarsgard and she looks like she can't wait to Tweet that Aisha Tyler will play her in the lifetime original movie.

YES! This should have been the only article written about this nonsense. It makes my scalp itch with irritation when Jez throws in with the rest of Yahoo "News" (YooNews? HooNews?) to stoke a (basically) non-story. 300 Nigerian girls are likely never coming home, but it matters that Beyonce's sister lost her cool with

a-fuckingMEN! I'm reading this thinking, how bad off is this person that she thinks being a paid intern with no dignity is a career choice? I have no sympathy for her.

I'm surprised she didn't say, "Sisterhood, like, like in that movie, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Girls wearing pants, but still being girls, and having sisterhood. THAT'S what I'm about." A closer look at Shailene's credentials reveal that she too attended the Tampa Academy of Dramatic Tricks.

It's every horrible profile ever. #FrancNO

On Sunday the barista at my local Whorebucks made sure to let me know about the impending Oprah chai. I said, "Ok, but do I have to SAY 'Oprah chai?'" And she said yes because they will still have the classic chai. She then leaned in and said, "I started calling it Choprah, but my manager didn't dig that." And I said,

I call George Harrison, not so much JC

Somebody was paid to write that horrible food hate speech. They were probably paid in Guy's Fries..but still...a writer, somewhere has to look themselves in the mirror every day knowing what they've done.


you do know Lucy Ricardo is the character and Lucille Ball is the comedic genius, right? Otherwise: spot on. I kerblarfed when I saw the magazine, but then again it's Cosmo..what do you expect?