
Not only a simply terrible way to get a rape joke in the mix, but truly lazy comedy writing. There are more effective ways to take a swipe at feminism (if that's what you're going for..and hey, thanks for that..we NEED more of that for sure!) and better ways to handle rape culture: Like, don't unless you have some

Where's Dexter when you need him. My brain needs a hazmat shower, great.

Worthy of a wooly HUG!!!!

Agreed Snuffy can do no wrong. HE'S A MUTANT ELEPHANT FOR DAMN'S SAKE AND HE IS WONDERFUL!! I agree with pretty much everything else on the list though.

Faith in humanity officially restored.

Anyone else can't get passed this dude's first name? Thurston? I see it, I think "The millionaireeee and his wiiiiiiife." I have no fucks to give about this dude. Go away. Shut it down.

Whenever I see photos like these, usually that's ALL I can think about. Some dude had to light this girl's nipples. Some woman had to keep rearranging cupcakes around this girl's ass. I frankly don't know how anyone views these as erotic; they mostly look ridiculous.

On behalf of Sheila's and Shelagh's everywhere, I have to defend what I feel is a pretty badass name. Witness the pop earworm "Oh! Oh Sheila!," percussionista extraordinare Sheila E, AND that infamous Seinfeld episode, "The Soup Nazi," which forever immortalized the name "Sheila" in television history as being the

The *(&#$ distracts from the terrible writing and vapid articles inside.

And why didn't Jez just run this story to begin with instead of the Dunham/Untouched Photo Bounty nonsense?

Someone should be paying Cindy Sherman royalties for all the "woman splayed out longingly on a bed" shots. Sherman did it best: when it was a comment on gender and representation.

Maybe she should have just yelled at the moon with Buzz Aldrin and we all would have felt a lot better.

Sarah Silverman is everything right and sane with the world right now.

When I grow up, I want to be the soft, silken, Phoenix-down filled pillow nestled between Miley Cyrus' ears.

Now playing

This. This is the entire interview. Except Brian Fellows is more intelligent.

i mean right? :)

Ten years from now the interview will go like this: "I was just, you know, figuring out who I was and coming into my own at that time. Because you know, you think you know who you are and what you want and then you, like, go through changes and different experiences and you realize, like, you are just finding out who

I'm disappointed that Jezebel didn't go a step further to point out what SOME mobilized young women are doing on their own campus to combat this issue. Specifically, creating an I AM THAT GIRL chapter. IATG is an organization designed to empower women to healthy self-esteem and authentic self-worth through organizing

I've never watched this show and now really never feel the need to. Reading down the situation/recap, it sounds like a Hunger Games prequel. Jesus.

Double Dog Darrow: You are AMAZING!!! Holy crap, what an awesome run down of the new GH. I also bailed on the soap around 2008ish but had watched it beginning around 198FREAKING8! Just watching this clip made me so happy to see Lucy, Mac, la Port Chuck! I am glad this soap has dug its heels