
Some day, I hope we can all experience the trauma of these first world problems, like what we're going to wear to our Oprah sit down and whether or not legions of unknown people will fork over their hard earned cash to see us in our next movie. I look forward to such hardships. Thanks for taking one for the team La

Well-said. Barbie is never going to depink-ify; it's part of her brand and marketing identity. Girls and boys playing with Mars Rover Barbie are going to have that outfit off of her in 3 seconds and into something else or nothing else (Maybe Mars Rover Barbie is going to get herself a buzz cut in the process). Kids

I know! And then I had a flashback to all those "snowballs" I threw back in like '06 when The Book of Faces was in its lecherous infancy. I think what Ms. Leathers is so eloquently stating here is that it is never, ever, ever, ever her fault, but rather Zuckerberg is to blame for creating a wild internet sex orgy

Slutbag, much like Baby Fishmouth IS sweeping the nation. So there's that in our lives now....

I JUST said "I'm a Carrie" yesterday! But that was because I was sipping champagne on my shoe-yacht that Big bought for me while bidding on some 14th century French handbag on ebay that I can totally afford on my New York writer's salary. A pun on shoe-ship was also had, but there was no "dancing it out" with the

Eeesh..that does not bode well, does it? Hooboy.... odd perspective shot. Also, it looks like she's lightened up or maybe it's the light and the water that makes it seem her skin is lighter than it actually is? Have I finally od'ed on pop culture gender/race nonsense or......?

Totally agreed! That whole spin on "queen" was pure Jack Donaghy. Clearly, "it's his way, till pay day."

Agreed. I read that and thought of the line from High Fidelity: "Since when is it bullshit to state a preference?" Jesus. I miss the smart, engaging cultural criticism that would be the norm on this site.

Robo, I agree. I read Bruni's piece and thought "Ok, well sure he's not giving the topic the kinds of nuances and sophistication as a feminist theorist might," and fine, if you derive a "Aww shucks, I just don't get it" Kenneth Parcel tone, that's your proclivity. But I thought he was keeping the door propped for

Now playing

Oh no! What will SNL do with the loss of some of their most revered comedy bros? WHO in the world could possibly be funny enough to fill their shoes? How about any number of crazy, amazing, funny talented women? YES!!

I totally agree! And the same, I tuned in pretty much for her. I found myself saying "I wish I had been brave enough to let my Shania freak flag fly at that age." Maybe she'll find her way onto another show soon!

They should give Shania her own spin-off. She was the real talent on that show. Arrested Development needs to come back as a network thing for real all the time.

Boston is my home turf. I am proud of the way we are rallying around one another and hope we're setting a new example of resilience and compassion in the face of something terrible.

Commencing eye-roll sequence now.