
Jason-Dumbass-Chaffetz has no concept of how health insurance works does he? He just knows he doesn’t want the poors to get it. Especially not with his own money taxpayers’ money.

When I look at most peoples’ monthly expenses (and I don’t look at many, but, I’ll keep going with my story here) there usually is not a one-item-expense that is shockingly large. People who are struggling to pay bills usually don’t have some item on their budget that is hundreds of dollars more expensive than it

But if you had replaced your appendix with an iPhone...

I think a lot of the feedback I’ve heard about the strike is that it kind of creates a conflict of interest for women: of course, feminism/supporting fellow women is a huge priority for many of us, but we also pride ourselves on our professionalism and our integral roles in business/at home. I think it makes people

It’s much worse than that. You’re talking about medical bills. He’s talking about the actual cost of insuring a person to theoretically pay those bills.

Quoth my father: The government has a bad habit of spending one hundred dollars to make sure it does not “waste” one dollar.


rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and they want to go spend hundreds of dollars on, maybe they should invest it in their own healthcare.

I remember the Brach’s bulk bin candy with the bags that said “Candy is delicious food, enjoy some every day”! That was also when you could smoke in hospitals and libraries & seatbelts were just a suggestion. xD

Jujyfruits still taste the same after sitting there for almost 100 years.

The gold Sharpie was the detail that really did me in, but— the quarter-century-long vendetta is really the meat of the act. The way his fury just hasn’t relented over the decades, even by one notch. Can anybody know such a fact about a person, and still believe that that person is sane?

Feminism doesn’t owe her anything, SHE owes feminism for the fact that she is able to be the successful terrible person she is today.

I imagine the same people who shout long and loud about how it’s “anti-woman” to criticize Kellyanne are the same ones who lamented that female Hillary Clinton supporters were just voting with their vaginas

Trump totally made the “small hands” thing for HIMSELF.... He Streisanded himself right into that notoriety. Some 25 years ago, Graydon Carter referred to him as a “short-fingered vulgarian”, a pithy epithet that would’ve gone unnoticed/ dropped into obscurity, if only Trump hadn’t latched onto it and made it a HUGE

I’ve said this before, but I don’t understand why the left is always expected to cede ground to the right. Both politically (which is another issue altogether) and in terms of tone. This is a person whose job it is to defend someone who’s perpetrating bald racism, sexual assault, nationalism, and the systematic

I agree. I think there’s a difference between saying, “She looks like she’s cosplaying as one of the Hamilton ensemble members,” and “She looks like a corpse,” or “She looks like a hooker.” One is a comment on a person’s clothes, which - while tied to patriarchal standards for what women should look like - isn’t as

The real question is: what does Kellyanne Conway owe to Feminism? Before first-wave feminism women weren’t allowed into universities and law schools. Before second-wave feminism her chances of being let into those schools would still have the been slim. Once out, she wouldn’t have gotten anywhere NEAR the White House

I have thoughts.

Yeah like the Javert dress. That’s not sexist at all, that was just a bad dress. Everyone’s worn something terrible in their life, but rich people tend to be the ones with the most widely distributed evidence of it. Hey, we hit Donnie too cause his suits don’t fit!

I think we “owe” it to her not to criticize her based on her physical looks. She is a morally repellent sycophant who is trying to put a veneer of normalcy on a madman; that is enough to comment on without resorting to using patriarchal beauty standards against her.