Honestly, fuck body positivity. Fats built a community and SURPRISE! straight size people with the privilege that comes along with that diluted it down to nothing and made those very fats feel unwelcome.
Honestly, fuck body positivity. Fats built a community and SURPRISE! straight size people with the privilege that comes along with that diluted it down to nothing and made those very fats feel unwelcome.
But was Victor Kiriakis there?
No, she only sounds ‘stupid’ if you have white supremacist ideals of English language usage. Because it’s a living language with multiple colonized cultures participating in the growth of the language her usage is no less valid than that of an upper middleclass suburbanite’s, nor an Australian aboriginal’s, nor the…
What the fuck was the point of this?
Democrats in the Senate who publicly said Al Franken should resign who are NOT named Kirsten Gillibrand: Mazie Hirono, Claire McKaskill, Maggie Hassan, Kamala Harris, Patty Murray, Tammy Baldwin, Bob Casey, Joe Donnelly, Sherrod Brown, Debbie Stabenow, Heidi Heitkamp, Ed Markey, Michael Bennet, Maria Cantwell, Dick…
I’m sorry, how do I sign up for this condition?
It’s a miscavige of justice!
Yeah, ok, maybe he was a weird and borderline criminal obsession with teenage girls but on the other hand you have to admit that his movies are some terrible overwritten bullshit.
I love watching videos of proposal rejections.
Disagree. She’s a fascinating historical figure. We venerate or at the very least tell stories of fascinating, eccentric, outrageous male figures ALL THE TIME. I enjoy learning about a women who don’t fit in the mold. We don’t have to like her, we just have to be aware of women like her, bc they are otherwise swept…
no, but we are a blog that knows what music is
I suggest a third possibility:
Madam Millie I defer to your Baldwin knowledge.
Drake wanted to marry Rihanna at one point.
I’m shocked. This is my shocked face.
Kid Fury said it was music for white ghosts who shop at pac sun so they were both pretty A+ this week
I bind you Azealia from doing harm- harm against other people and harm against yourself.
Sing like no one is listening. Love like you’ve never been hurt. Dance like nobody’s watching, and write like Don LaFontaine is recording the audiobook.