
Does the shark fight from Arkham City count?

For me the Poison Ivy fight from Arkham Asylum always sticks out in my head, was just a fun fight, wasn’t overly difficult, and made excellent use of your gadgets. Plus c’mon, gotta admit Ivy is HOTT ;-)

Killer Croc in Asylum provided so much tension. I’ll give my nod to that one.

PC performance in Arkham Knight.

deux pamplemousses

Oh, you’re right! I just forgot to squint

This is normally handled by the CAT warning system. I suspect the fuse was blown.

Star Wars Episode 23: The Hand Job

I think there’s a joke there, but I can’t put my finger on it.

was not used for “the stranger”, winning!

Poor Darth. No other company but a Solo Hand.....

You’d think Luke would have something to say about this, but it seems he has lost the right.

It went on to become a star in the Addams Family.

I have to hand it to you that was perfect.

I’m sure it came in handy.

Devolver has been killing it for a while now. Super excited for this and Mother Russia Bleeds.

I’ve always hated, ****ing hated the XBOX controllers... can they just make the controller even the slightest bit ergonomic or just have symmetrical sticks?

Or is it just Final Fantasy Seven Remake?

Is this real life?!

I cried.