Can you imagine if black armory wasn’t around anymore, with the required rare izanagi bounty that was straight RNG, and considering the current PvE meta is “have Izanagi”. I literally just got the damn bounty and gun THIS week.
Pretty much why i stopped playing destiny and I doubt next season will bring me back.
Christ, you’re right.
Exotic *hand cannon* quest ;)
It’ll probably be part of an exotic weapon quest.
Bungie will make that a grind quest objective next year...
I wish they’d make more single color sets. These multi-color ones make the switch look like a toybox. Would love to have two of those purple ones.
“You’re a hero!”
Not gonna lie.
It’s annoying that you can lose access to a game you licensed because you no longer have the device its installed on.
I seriously miss Star Wars Tiny Tower
Was this really our first look at this game? It seemed more like our first look at some cutscenes. I was not hyped at all and that made me a little sad. I wanted to be excited
So what happens to my game library when Google gets tired of Stadia in five years?
I’ve got a bad feeling about this.
Shut it down, ladies and gentlemen; we're done here.
Maybe they literally mean forgotten in that it’s not in D2, so no one goes there anymore.
...that expansion came from the moon!
I was checking the app to see if tickets were on sale yet and JUST realized that the website was down and that’s why I couldn’t log on. Get your shit together AMC.
AMC might want to get the hang of mastering a website that can actually sell tickets for an eagerly anticipated movie first.