so Harley and Ivy can have a happy relationship but not Batwoman/Kate Kane and Maggie Sawyer? sounds like a double standard to me.
so Harley and Ivy can have a happy relationship but not Batwoman/Kate Kane and Maggie Sawyer? sounds like a double standard to me.
So we all have certain games we’re “embedded” with, and the goal is to cover them as closely as possible/for our coverage to show games as a ongoing, living thing. Kirk has been spearheading Destiny’s coverage, and he’s been really nailing it, I think, which is probably why our muscle there stands out. Couple that…
Guess now we know how Optimus does it.
I’m mentally adding an Inception horn to this stunt now!
Looks normal to me. Maybe my insight isn’t high enough.
I took as much time with this one as publishers seem to take lately when they debate whether to create new things.
Well did ya?
Welcome to the “I don’t like the drop rate club”. We are actually currently booked to capacity. Enjoy your drop rate.
I believe it’s spelled like this
SHATTAP. i hate crybabies who put in a million plus hours into the game and are still crying about drop rates. SHATTAPPPPPP and deal, or gtfo
I just wish they had better perks once you make it past the year mark. I’ve been a GameFly member oh..ten years now and have never regretted it.
Everyone freak out, except She-Hulk. She-Hulk needs her nap.
What? I love Destiny. Stoked to play this; seems like they learned a lot from the mistakes they made with The Dark Below.
There are 189,000 people watching the stream right now. Hate all you want, but people like it.
It would be pretty amazing if it was Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum in there.
I was too angry at how trigger happy he was to save him. Fuck that guy.
You’re supposed to be looking at an animated map of one of the best 2D games ever made, and a game that enough people here on kotaku hold dear to warrant an article.