
Hey man, be sure to duck. I don’t want that joke flying over your head to do any serious damage

Probably the first time a flight attendant was unconcerned with someone grabbing an extra couple of nuts.

This comment really hits the Mark.

Man, now chants at a Rangers game. This is getting Messier and Messier.

Big deal. His kind of game might be conducive to winning a Final Four or the occasional Olympics, but he’ll retire without a ring (unlike his brother LaLebron).

Aaron Hernandez chose both.

Packers. Every single one of them.

Well, with all the injuries he’s had, he’s certainly not running away from basketball.

He and Ms. Pac Man have been fighting a lot too.

Take it easy on the guy. I’ve heard he’s got a lot of personal ghosts to deal with.

The police report mentions a “fracas?” Looks like Officer Jones couldn’t find a job using his English degree either. I know that feeling.

He could have walked away. He was in zero danger.

“Obviously, I think there’s been a common denominator throughout the season of our offensive struggles. Certainly, not saying it’s me, but we need to sit down and we need to figure out what that common denominator is and continue to progress as an offense.”

Wait...What? This is a sports blog???

Good call wearing WR gloves, there’s high chance of catching a Tannehill pass in those seats!

I’m just thankful someone had the presence of mind to do the right thing in this situation... and film in landscape mode.

This looks like Christian Bale filming Hockey Psycho.

I really think Deadspin should dramatically increase it’s hockey coverage considering we’re all moving to Canada now.

Gods bless you, Barry. I’m too despondent to read any more political articles this morning, so some hockey talk was just what I needed.

Tebow reached on a fielder’s choice...