
It was at home, not on the road. The reason that the starters–other than Collins, scored 17 was because it was senior night, where seniors who do not normally start, started.

Guy in the update has no clue how to work a camera

You spelt “Urban Meyer” wrong.

Duh. Indiana is next.

Indiana is up next

Because Driveshaft is a great alternative.

The best part is the slow punching from the guy in the red shirt

“Declined to answer” is actually a great name for a band.

a sports post? where am I?

More like, “he was an associate professor.”

Surprised he didn't try to quote Future.

Looks like he will get to wear Volunteer orange for a few more years.

Sounds like things got a little Testi.

Dude was covered by guards all game and was a turnover machine.

Other titles: Ronaldo Gives Back Lost Phone, Taps Ass.

The refs Hasina this comin

I bet this would be really funny at the company christmas party

"violating a team rule"? What a load of crap.

chances are kobe misses this too

clearly you're not a jags fan