
Jim Leyland is the hero Detroit deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

Hands down the best depiction of why college athletes shouldn't be paid.

Cool story.

I mean come on. This really isn't considered a tricky goal, mid-level players from ages 10+ do this all the time. This isn't 1995.

Talk about "excessive contact to the head".

First time a group of Buccaneers have released a Freeman since Peterpan.

First time a group of Buccaneers have released a Freeman since Peterpan.

Holy shit.

Typical Slurrier.

Lol... Is this guy serious?

He killed the other 3 with the 5 hookers.

Uh earth to JimZim, I'm not so sure you did cuz you were all 'well I'm sure he's heard of styling gel' like you didn't know it was a joke! Ahaha!

Uh earth to JimZim, I'm not so sure you did cuz you were all 'well I'm sure he's heard of styling gel' like you didn't know it was a joke! Ahaha!

Uh, earth to timzim, I was making a joke.

If you're pussy enough to wear a visor chances are you're not fighting anyone.

Looks like that's the first time he's ever made it passed first base.