
I thought the producers would be a little less ham-fisted with their opinion about the verdict, but wow. I almost expected the cop that found the bloody glove to look straight into the camera and say: "Holy shit. Heisman Trophy winner OJ Simpson murdered his wife. That's right, OJ Simpson, football star, 100% murdered

The biggest disappointment from this episode for me was when Wells and Thawne left me hanging during their almost Princess Bride conversation.

That cross-dressing tag was super meh. I like Armisen, but that was lazy.

Sasheer >>>>>> Leslie x 1,000

Selena Gomez was not… how you say?… ah yes, good.

Cisco calling Wells 2 a dick made me spit water on myself.

Andre Braugher for ALL THE EMMYs.

That was the best Anderson Cooper they could scrounge up?

Was one of the Pike brothers Clarissa's best friend from Clarissa Explains It All???

Nice use of "snot locker"

Speaking of suspension of disbelief… none of the people at the medal ceremony were freaked out at almost getting mowed down by a tommy gun? They all just stood up like nothing happened, and then ate up what Galavan was serving.

Thank Glob for DVRs, otherwise I would've been forced to suffer through the Nygma scenes.

I think Teddy Sears' casting was great. He has that kind of old school, Rocketeerish style to him. I loved when he kept referring to Barry as "kid"

I'm enjoying this show more than I thought I would!

When that X Ambassadors song played at the end, I actually said: "oh, fucking come on. this song??" Shit is well overplayed.

Holt's elongated pronunciation of "PAIN." to Terry was the night's biggest laugh for me. That man needs some Emmy love, y'all.

100% with Laura, Caitlin and Oliver.


Scott's cold "No." at the end of the episode reminded me of Rorschach's "The world will look up and shout, 'save us!' and I'll whisper, 'no.'"

I like this theory. Definitely seems plausible considering how many times he could've easily ripped out Scott's throat at this point. One of my gripes with the show is that it tends to follow the Power Rangers' (stick with me) equation of "we can't win! we can't win! oh, wait, let's use this power that we should've