
Or from any of the other plots.

If it turns out that Theo just wants to kill all of Scott's pack, he's a dumbfuck. I mean, he had the whole crew (minus Liam) asleep, all in one place, ready to be murderized.

First young Derek, now young Scott. The younger version casting dept for this show is top notch.

Can you imagine how much a therapy practice would rake in in Beacon Hills?

After this terrible ep, I don't feel bad about calling Jeff Davis a smarmy hack devoid of personality.

Side note: I'm continually impressed by how Armisen and Wiig can continue to deliver lines, even while breaking up.

Swift on the Californians was almost as painful as Miley Cyrus being referred to as a celebrity.

This has been fucking stupid for a couple days now.

I can't explain how good it feels to hear other people follow the same TV path as me on Tuesday evenings. Thank you.

Santa was Richard Belding?? I'm embarrassed I didn't notice that.

I wanted to like this episode, but two things kept my grade low:
1) The effects. I know it was mentioned before, but holy shit did they skimp on the CGI. Namely the raven that was flying over Jax as he rode through the desert at 7mph, the horribly pasted shot of Jax riding into the front of Chiklis' truck, and the two

I think B- is the right grade. There were moments where my jaw was literally wide open from what was taking place on-screen. Then, there were moments where I (and I'm sure the rest of the theater) had no idea where the hell the film was going, or what it was trying to tell us.

Seriously. I'm pretty sure Prince dropped an Uber lyric during his 8-minute sexfest.

Where can I buy that choking poster from the nurse's office?

This episode was a solid A.

I love Terry Crews.

I think Che is going to be good for the desk, and that 20 year old kid was solid. Jost continues to be a lifeless ken doll, and Leslie Jones is just no bueno.

I liked the inclusion of a remote triggered claymore mine. It went along really well with Parrish shooting a terribly fake gun with his middle finger.

Yea, and what's with Scott being a super powerful alpha sometimes, then a pussy teenager that gets his ass beat on the regular at other times?
