
The extended hospital scene at the end is still one of my favorite scenes in all of cinema.

I worked with Jim Fenhagen for over 2 years, and not once did he mention that he designed shit for Double Dare. You think you know someone…

Anthony Hopkins and Jeffrey Wright for all of the awards.

Best movie I've seen this year, hands down.

I was holding my breath waiting for Trenton and Mobley to be taken out by a gunman.

We may never know.

Mobley's real name is Markesh, which is realllly close to the name of the record company on the episode of The Get Down I watched immediately after this ep of Mr Robot. WHAT DOES IT MEAN???????

I enjoyed the shit out of this episode. One question though: the Dark Army just broke a needle off under dude's nail and didn't inject him with anything? Either way, that's fucked up.

"His name is God Bless USA Deli"

I've never been to prison, or smuggled drugs, so I have no idea why he pooped out the loot instead of puking it up. Anyone care to enlighten me?

And his apartment looks WAY nicer than mine.

Good lord, I am so sorry for your loss.

Perhaps he saw into the near future?

Rihanna killed it (in a good way), Madonna killed it ('it' being my eardrums).

God, that audience will laugh at – and applaud for – anything.

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

Jess' boobs made a strong push (up) at the end though.

I fucking knew that was Jason Mewes. Sad to see his ponytail has returned.

Fred Savage's facial expressions are what keep me coming back.

I agree. In fact, I cut this episode off halfway through because I was getting so frustrated for Stewart. Gonna try and finish it tonight.