
Wow, that escalated quickly, person who knows absolutely nothing about me and yet felt you could assume not only an amount of laziness, entitlement, and a lack of both education and responsibility on my part.FTW, dude? Way to take things completely off on your own tangent too, like you were just itching to bring up

Politicians who will nerf the power of money and corporations are an endangered species being starved near to extinction as their competition grows fat on those same veins of power and money who will continue to vote to bloat the status quo and consume more and more. Personally, we could learn a few things from France

Sure, why not let them?
Play stupid games = win stupid prizes
(like death-by-bloody-diarrhea)

This isn’t really news (but it bears repeating anyway since it hasn’t received much press). There have been many who corroborated that Trump attended parties hosted by not-yet-convicted-pedo/billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. Some of it is mentioned among other points in this Snopes article.

I worked at McDonald’s at around the same time (99-01). The place was only a half mile from my house, so I could walk to work. They were also super understaffed. I worked there for two years.

I can’t find any unbiased sources confirming Russia retaining access to DNS servers or Ukraine disputing CrowdStrike’s conclusion. Also, I know that both Fidelis Cybersecurity and FireEye independently reviewed CrowdStrike’s reports and came to the same conclusions. I’m unable to locate mentions of a third, dissenting

Props for the WAD memories


Stephen Miller is a golem made of mayonnaise

Every single one of his comments has either been hate speech or harassment, so yeah, I’ve flagged each and every one. Jeremy gonna need another burner soon, I hope.

The joke’s on her, as Wakefield doesn’t have a soul to steal.

Who let you out of the grays? All of your comments have shown you to be a terrible human being (and not a very talented troll, either).

The word was on his lips. It was there as reflex from bad habits. If it flowed that freely then you have a comfort with that word that you shouldn’t.

Maybe you should write a letter to Bad Horse. He let that Doogie Hauser kid in.

OMG yes, who kisses like that?! If I were kissing a super model and I happened to see that she was staring me down wide-eyed the whole time there’d be a me-shaped puff of smoke where I used to be standing because I’d nope out of there that fast. Super creepy, like maybe she’d also be watching me sleep and stuff too. I

You know, logs which show who connected, the size of the data stolen, and the IP address of the people who stole the data?

I had always heard that the clumsy cut during this scene was because an on screen murder would have ventured closer to Rated R territory and they wanted to tone it down enough to stay safely PG-13.

I need to see the Joker’s mom about as much as we needed to see Darth Vader’s mom in the prequels, which is to say that we don’t. As Patton Oswald once put it “Do you like Angelina Jolie? Well then, here’s John Vought’s balls!”