
That headline brings up an interesting question though...

While “Man on the Moon” was fantastic if viewed within a vacuum and was a phenomenal biopic, the Netflix documentary about the biopic, “Jim and Andy”, was insufferable and impossible to finish. I came away with the feeling that Jim Carrey was being Jared Leto levels of asshole to everyone around him during the

You can call a young doggo a “pupper” as well since one would also call a young human a “baby”. However, the term “pupper” is not exclusive to only young doggos much like how you can affectionately call just about anyone “baby” regardless of age.

I think “Boys Don’t Cry” was a stepping stone. First, they have to introduce gay and gender identity characters with believable sensitivity to largely straight, white, rich, pearl-clutching audiences with candy-coated casting that they already respect. However, after awhile you gotta stop candy-coating it and let

“Pupper” is the equivalent of calling a doggo “baby”

Now playing

This isn’t an argument, it’s just a contradiction!

I know! That tongue! That smile! I’ve got three already, but they could use another brother! SOLD!

I’m not only white, I’m from the South. The racism here is unique. Sometimes it comes masked in more friendly terms (“you’re so well-spoken”, or “can I touch your hair”), much like how the “rebel flag” supposedly means something other than supporting a war to defend slavery.

I was giving her the benefit of the doubt there for awhile, but yeah, that letter took turns. She shoulda just stopped.

I think it’s somewhat of a delusion. There’s a strong attitude of “I got mine, so fuck you”. It’s why some women are happy to support the establishment like Serena Joys in Gilead. She’s got her position of status, so why should she give a damn about how “lesser women” are treated?

Friendly reminder that it’s an officer’s entire scope of duty to build a case against you as soon as you are suspected of anything. Don’t say or do anything that could possibly fortify that case.

I’ve done the same for the last 10 years, but that’s mostly just because Marvel’s got me whipped to expect stuff.

So, he set out to write an article about how we’re actually doing well as a country and things aren’t as racist as we all think, but then when he looks at the data he finds out that shit is actually terrible? Whodathunkit? At least he didn’t cherry-pick to fit his original goal that we aren’t as racist as everyone

I have three parasites, all mixed tramps from the pound. They regularly compete for the affection of each person in my family. They keep the yard safe from squirrels and strangers, and they love a snuggle when we’ve had a bad day. My children are learning empathy for other beings and responsibilities of caring for

By this logic, will Piers Morgan please shut the fuck up and go away forever?

The thing is that the GOP has the tactic of getting the poor to not see themselves as poor but rather, as Will Rogers put it, “temporarily inconvenienced millionaires”. In other words, the only reason they aren’t rich like they should be is because they aren’t America-ing hard enough and because immigrants and brown

My how Camelot would fall if Spielberg (BFFs with Streep and other icons) were the creeper

I believe that was the original commenter’s point: that they still don’t feel safe enough to name names unless there is more than one person willing to join with them and say “me too”.

Wait, so if research is done on something people find out stuff we don’t want them to know? Well shit, let’s make sure they can’t research anymore! Gotta keep up that status quo. Let’s change the subject to how all our problems are tied to immigrants instead. Maybe if we fill our constituents with hate for the other