
Who let this bot out of the grays?!

I have a condition known as dextro cardio setis inversus wherein my heart is located in the middle-to-right side of my body instead of the left. It’s a one-in-ten-thousand condition. Leonard Nimoy also had it. Maybe she has it, too?

He should fire himself. With actual fire.

If there’s no criminal justice forS herell L. Lewis, Jr. then we can hope for civil, but let’s also make sure to do for Matthew M. Martin what has been done for Brock Turner and ensure that the name Matthew M. Martin is forever associated in Google with vehicular manslaughter and racist callousness. Matthew M. Martin

Aaaaand... He just lost his job over this:

It’s because, while typing with CAPS LOCK RAGE they roll the shift key to try and hit the apostrophe on “DON’T”, miss that key, but with their momentum end up typing the next letter in the sequence while still holding shift.

I’d forgive his latest cinematic stumblings (Most of “Bruno”, all but the big speech in “The Dictator”, playing Julien ad nauseum) if this turns out to be a Trump-U exposé where he goes undercover and shows just how big of a scam the whole operation was complete with “donating” to the Florida AG who then dropped

While I find Mass Effect 2 to be a more consistently solid game overall the Citadel DLC absolutely made ME3 my favorite especially building up to this scene. I find myself replaying ME3 more than ME2 simply because of the emotional attachment I formed. However, the first time I played the suicide mission on ME2 and

That was one of the things I loved about ME:2. It had actual stakes with repercussions if you didn’t do everything you could to prepare your crew and resources. It almost feels like what ME:3 did best should have happened before ME:2 though.

You mean a heartless and unprecedented policy like this wasn’t even well-planned so things could be “un-fucked” if they had to?

Mark Hoppus, military advisor?
Why the hell not? We let Dennis Rodman and Kim Kardashian advise the president these days. A good portion of cabinet and advisor positions are people Trump saw on TV.
If I’d heard this in 2003 I’d claim total BS, but nowadays nothing would surprise me.

“Research points to the academic, social, and emotional benefits to being in a classroom with others who share racial, ethnic, linguistic, and/or cultural backgrounds” explains the student handbook for the 97-year-old institution.

Don’t click the Pending tab.
Don’t click the Pending tab.
Don’t click the Pending tab.
[ clicks the Pending tab ]
[ facepalm, long sigh ]

I won’t speculate about substance abuse (I know too many people who have had problems, so am hesitant to ever use it as a joke), but I wouldn’t be surprised if he had tremendous burnout and needed to get away from it somehow.

We tried going high. They never rose to the level we tried to set. It didn’t force a middle ground. The other side just started going even lower and then mocking with terms like “snowflake”, “triggered” and “liberal tears” to get a rise rather than joining actual discourse.

I knew 30 seconds into the WHCD that she had bigger balls than anyone else in the room. I couldn’t believe she was that fearless to stand among all of them and tell them to their faces how terrible and hypocritical they all were. Whatever the future holds for her I guarantee she made her mark on how political roasting

I know, and they even had the audacity to make Billy Connelly entirely CGI instead of just putting makeup on him. They barely made a movie. Instead they just put an awesome cast in front of a green screen and then stuck them in a video game.

Some are punitive: One measure under consideration would allow courts to double the punishment for certain crimes if they are committed in one of the 25 neighborhoods classified as ghettos, based on residents’ income, employment status, education levels, number of criminal convictions and “non-Western background.”

It’s fake, but it’s still funny

Yeah, even The Hobbit didn’t live up to the LOTR in so many metrics. Fantastic casting, but overuse of special effects, green screens, and the contrast with the fantastic practical effects of the LOTR series made it less than.