Yeah, I saw the original lineup on the Mellon Collie tour and I’m usually in bed by about 10:30.
Yeah, I saw the original lineup on the Mellon Collie tour and I’m usually in bed by about 10:30.
It was one of those towns in the Midwest that Roy Moore was talking about to Vox last year:
Much like here in America, Great Britain has rarely been “great” but rather has just had a more successful PR team for certain stretches of history. MAGA? Nah, we’ve always been varying degrees of terrible unless you happen to be able to ride above it all on privilege.
I’m kinda glad Pixar got the feels out of the way via this short and then just let The Incredibles 2 be fun. So many of Pixar’s latest movies have played with my emotions and I worried they’d try to do more of the same with their feature film, but I was happy they gave it the same feel as the original.
Trump picks people he sees on TV who tells him what he wants to hear, so this is not outside of the question, nor is an appointment of “Judge” Napolitano
This hit me right in the nostalgia and I hopped over to Amazon to see how much to buy a season and HOLY CRAP it’s expensive! Guess I’ll have to watch more of the show via... other means...
Exactly. How can I ever complete my collection if there isn’t an official re-release and remaster of Batdance!
Well, judging by the article they linked in the first paragraph it basically just sounds like they took someone who may be interested in cooking as a hobby, and may have worked around food, but didn’t have any actual experience cooking and that there was no evidence of any actual cooking skills. He was likely picked…
I can’t ever afford to attend any of his speaking engagements so that I can pass said note.
I wondered the same thing. Don’t get me wrong. The story about that date-gone-wrong was hella creepy and he totally didn’t handle himself well that night (and his “apology” needed loads of work). But, there’s a gradient to these things, and he isn’t anywhere near the awfulness or outright criminality of the others…
I’d date a girl who was eight foot five in a heartbeat!
I found it plausible she’d take a shine to Kili’s advances, actually. There wasn’t much romance in the story otherwise (not like Frodo and Sam in the first trilogy).
The joke is that he won’t last that long, but maybe the joke is that we keep saying “he won’t last much longer” but then each new low becomes the new normal and nothing ever sticks to him, so...
That photo of them for the heading makes it look like they’re about to drop the sickest mixtape of 1996
Leave it vacant. McConnell said you can’t fill the SCOTUS position during the last year of a President’s term, right?
It wasn’t a “flagship” of the franchise though, just one of the satellite tie-in films. That was the point: that the flagship films (the ones whose names include roman numerals) continue to print money.
She did extremely well in The Hobbit as Tauriel. The overly CGI-ness of that trilogy when compared to the Lord of the Rings trilogy notwithstanding (especially when they replaced Billy Connelly with a computer generated dwarf instead of just putting makeup on him), pretty much the entire cast was great. She won me…
As long as the flagship franchise films continue to make, like, a billion dollars a piece I’m sure Disney is going to stay the course and continue to let directors like Rian and J.J. make them to their visions. They know how to make blockbusters. Anyone unhappy about it can either read the extended universe novels or…
Yeah, but he’s doing it against brown people. They’ll put up with all kinds of atrocities as long as the minorities and liberals are harmed more than they are so that they can feed off those tears while their cognitive dissonance prevents them from realizing that they’re worse off too.