
Mark Hoppus, military advisor?
Why the hell not? We let Dennis Rodman and Kim Kardashian advise the president these days. A good portion of cabinet and advisor positions are people Trump saw on TV.
If I’d heard this in 2003 I’d claim total BS, but nowadays nothing would surprise me.

“Research points to the academic, social, and emotional benefits to being in a classroom with others who share racial, ethnic, linguistic, and/or cultural backgrounds” explains the student handbook for the 97-year-old institution.

Don’t click the Pending tab.
Don’t click the Pending tab.
Don’t click the Pending tab.
[ clicks the Pending tab ]
[ facepalm, long sigh ]

I won’t speculate about substance abuse (I know too many people who have had problems, so am hesitant to ever use it as a joke), but I wouldn’t be surprised if he had tremendous burnout and needed to get away from it somehow.

We tried going high. They never rose to the level we tried to set. It didn’t force a middle ground. The other side just started going even lower and then mocking with terms like “snowflake”, “triggered” and “liberal tears” to get a rise rather than joining actual discourse.

I knew 30 seconds into the WHCD that she had bigger balls than anyone else in the room. I couldn’t believe she was that fearless to stand among all of them and tell them to their faces how terrible and hypocritical they all were. Whatever the future holds for her I guarantee she made her mark on how political roasting

I know, and they even had the audacity to make Billy Connelly entirely CGI instead of just putting makeup on him. They barely made a movie. Instead they just put an awesome cast in front of a green screen and then stuck them in a video game.

Some are punitive: One measure under consideration would allow courts to double the punishment for certain crimes if they are committed in one of the 25 neighborhoods classified as ghettos, based on residents’ income, employment status, education levels, number of criminal convictions and “non-Western background.”

It’s fake, but it’s still funny

Yeah, even The Hobbit didn’t live up to the LOTR in so many metrics. Fantastic casting, but overuse of special effects, green screens, and the contrast with the fantastic practical effects of the LOTR series made it less than.

Yeah, I saw the original lineup on the Mellon Collie tour and I’m usually in bed by about 10:30.

It was one of those towns in the Midwest that Roy Moore was talking about to Vox last year:

Much like here in America, Great Britain has rarely been “great” but rather has just had a more successful PR team for certain stretches of history. MAGA? Nah, we’ve always been varying degrees of terrible unless you happen to be able to ride above it all on privilege.

I’m kinda glad Pixar got the feels out of the way via this short and then just let The Incredibles 2 be fun. So many of Pixar’s latest movies have played with my emotions and I worried they’d try to do more of the same with their feature film, but I was happy they gave it the same feel as the original.

Trump picks people he sees on TV who tells him what he wants to hear, so this is not outside of the question, nor is an appointment of “Judge” Napolitano

This hit me right in the nostalgia and I hopped over to Amazon to see how much to buy a season and HOLY CRAP it’s expensive! Guess I’ll have to watch more of the show via... other means...

Now playing

Exactly. How can I ever complete my collection if there isn’t an official re-release and remaster of Batdance!

Well, judging by the article they linked in the first paragraph it basically just sounds like they took someone who may be interested in cooking as a hobby, and may have worked around food, but didn’t have any actual experience cooking and that there was no evidence of any actual cooking skills. He was likely picked

I can’t ever afford to attend any of his speaking engagements so that I can pass said note.

I wondered the same thing. Don’t get me wrong. The story about that date-gone-wrong was hella creepy and he totally didn’t handle himself well that night (and his “apology” needed loads of work). But, there’s a gradient to these things, and he isn’t anywhere near the awfulness or outright criminality of the others