^ Obligatory song: “Ska Sucks”, by Propagandhi
^ Obligatory song: “Ska Sucks”, by Propagandhi
Yup, Prescott sure wasn’t a winner either...
You know that psycho Miller is trying to figure out a way to convince Trump that he needs to stop the “flood” by shooting people on sight.
Judd hasn’t worked for Fox since 2002. Judd is the topic of the article. Your lack of identifier for the subject had me assuming you were mad Judd finally decided to take a stand, not that Seth (maybe) finally grew a spine.
I don’t care if the kids are sent to a five-star hotel with video games and a bouncy castle. The whole point is that they are being taken from their parents for whom immigration crimes are considered a civil misdemeanor - and many of whom have cases for asylum. It’s not how they’re treated that’s news - it’s that…
Today I learned: you can’t care about a child if you don’t have one. If only that applied to a uterus.
I’d bet cold, hard cash the plane has already been used as such. Don’t turn on a black light.
I’m a straight dude, and even I found it off-putting and a little gross. That shit adds nothing to gameplay or presentation aside from juvenile titillation.
If there are women out there with those body types they’ve probably got terminal back pain and chronic headaches.
It’s not a matter of the kids being mistreated. I don’t personally care if they’re sent to a five-star hotel with a free arcade and a ball pit. The abuse part is that you’re taking them away from their parents, you feckless cunt.
He literally said he hasn’t worked with them since 2002 and that it was a conscious decision on his part. So, your timeline above is moot. His point was that others should get organized and leave as well.
On one hand, Simon Pegg did the same thing with a foreword in “The Boys” since he was the inspiration for Wee Hughie. On the other, Sting?! Apparently, it started out as a random joke between two artists sneaking a Sting lookalike into the background of panels to see if the other artist could find him (Waldo-style),…
Right, like suddenly humans can’t be both good and evil on their own. No, Aries has to cloud their judgment. Let’s blame Aries for how bad WWI was rather than the dichotomy of the human condition.
Today has been tough, and it’s all been because of stories just like this. They’ve just kept coming today, one after another.
Right down to telling the parents that they’re giving the kids baths before taking them away to never be seen again, yup.
Your husband did a good thing trying to convince his old friend not to just follow orders and keep separating families. I don’t often like “slippery slope fallacies”, but is it really more than a few degrees away from these kids never being seen again?
Nielsen would rather take the stage to dodge/defend taking children away from parents seeking asylum (doing so at places other than a port of entry is a misdemeanor civil case, BTW) rather than attending a United Nations hearing regarding Puerto Rico’s disaster recovery? Over four thousand people died and large…
If he shows up as Frank it just might get me interested in the show again.
I actually don’t fault Marvel too hard. The scenes in Black Panther (car chase, waterfall fight) were pretty much entirely CGI, but at least they let the character drama build properly.