
Your Mormon friend has quite a point. Any time I try the “decent and kind” approach in a debate online I’m instantly met with partisan ad hominem. I consider myself an independent moderate, but as soon as you question the fascist, authoritarian leanings of our current regime you’re suddenly a triggered libtard

His entire song “Who Says” is all about getting stoned as an escape from the grind. Plus, he plays with Dead & Co. Yeah, dude blazes.

You gotta have middle names. How else will your parents be able to say your name in a way that instantly tells you that you’re in trouble?

My favorite thing to do with Game Genie was look through the book for games that sounded like they had the zaniest hacks and then go rent that game for a weekend. It’s how I discovered “Toe Jam & Earl”. I had such a blast, but then it became hard to figure out which ten lines of code I wanted to inject (especially

These days they don’t film movies. They film a costumed cast on a green stage and then do the rest in post. Even Marvel does it, but at least they know how to pick color palettes and where crispness and details count.

I thought the same. The movie was far more interesting when it was just Diana in WWI, but as soon as Aries was revealed and the action moved to CGI blurs and a mo-cap Thewlis-esque face on God of War body I was no longer interested in their battle. I was more interested in what Chris Pine was up to at the time (even

He’s been eating his feelings ever since the reviews came in and photos of his back tattoo have surfaced

Referring to “Bat-fleck”, or his hideous back tatoo? Little from column A, little from column B?

Buncha Serena Joy types, the lot of ‘em. They’re fine with their place in the status quo because at least they have a place, so fuck you, they got theirs.

I’m sorry you feel “left out of the national conversation”. Some of us would rather be talking about the current government policy of separating families at the border rather than worrying about what a bunch of rich, white, Christian, privileged ladies have to say.

Those epidurals can be quite the mind-erasers, too. My wife says that our deliveries started to become blurs in her memory starting right after the shot. Pretty sure I could have brought in a whole film crew while she was doped up and she’d have just let it shuffle in with the other chaos that was happening at the

Those epidurals can be quite the mind-erasers, too. My wife says that our deliveries started to become blurs in her memory starting right after the shot. Pretty sure I could have brought in a whole film crew while she was doped up and she’d have just let it shuffle in with the other chaos that was happening at the

It can be both. It’s win-win. They get to treat brown people like shit and they get to cut AG Keebler loose at the end.

I agree wholeheartedly. There’s a gradient to these things. Immigration cases are also civil, NOT criminal.

News Media: The border patrol is separating families and putting the kids into cages.
Border Patrol: Ooh, ‘cages’, yeah, we don’t like that word. It sounds uncomfortable.

Give Trump a chance? First off, I don’t believe Prince Harry said any of that, not for one minute. He’s cozy with the Obamas and probably would have invited them to the wedding if it had happened during his term (but typically avoids getting involved in politics).

It’s also worth noting that Cohen’s previously retained attorneys were paid for by the Trump Campaign. It’s possible that something came up during discovery that revealed a conflict in those regards where continuing to represent Cohen would no longer serve those interests. So, that’s another reason his counsel may be

Oh OK, if you were a fan I was going to check out the local Shoney’s and report back if an old favorite had changed. If it’s a distant memory then I don’t think either of us have a real expectation.

Strangely, my youngest (just turned six) was going through my movie collection over the weekend and found my old DVD copy of Avatar. He has been asking to watch it. My wife and I have just kinda groaned at him. We might cave and watch it eventually, but DAMN that movie was far too long and was nothing more than a CGI D