Dennis Miller comes to mind. I remember liking him in the 90's. Now though it really seems he went crazy conservative right after 9/11. Also, I just didn’t find his style funny anymore. He went from witty to troll.
Dennis Miller comes to mind. I remember liking him in the 90's. Now though it really seems he went crazy conservative right after 9/11. Also, I just didn’t find his style funny anymore. He went from witty to troll.
My household does the cheddar and parmesan mix thing for our cheese crisps. About 3 parts cheddar to 1 part parm. My oldest (15) even follows that recipe when he makes an after school burger as a snack.
The Facebook post in question appears to have been pulled. A shame. If it gets re-posted or mirrored somewhere please update the article so we can all share the schadenfreude.
It is basically the equivalent of about 1.5 treatments of their cancer drug.
My theory has been that Schneiderman may have sent Avenatti a “tip” on his way out the door. Schneiderman and Trump have been in each other’s crosshairs for years, and as NY’s AG he was also extremely close to many investigations into Trump’s businesses and circles. He may have thought that if he was going to go down…
“Conservatives are being censored! The liberal MSM won’t let our views be heard!”
*ahem* Kettle, you are one black mofo.
Yeah, the joke fell flat. He may be a bit of a provocateur, but it wasn’t even “so edgy it’s funny”, it just wasn’t funny. If it weren’t for ICE’s complete overreaction I’d say he was just another Twitter troll. ICE showing up and making a big stink though suddenly gave this guy a spotlight he didn’t have before. Way…
I’ve been skeptical of the Rockstar hero switcheroo they did in both Red Dead Redemption and L.A. Noir. I don’t think either game had as much gravitas once the main protagonists whom we’d grown to understand (maybe even love) over the course of our time with them were killed off. Any time I replayed either game it was…
Just looked it up, SKYACTIV-G 2.0L inline-4. I stand corrected. Never had to do anything to the wife’s car before, so haven’t learned much about it. Just know that it’s roomy enough, zippier than a “real” minivan, and those dual sliding doors are super handy.
My wife and I broke down and began shopping for minivans a few years ago when expecting our third kid. None of them really wowed us until my wife happened to spot a Mazda 5 on the lot and asked the dealer about it. Dual sliding doors, three row seating, zippy V6, and about the same size as the crossover that replaced…
Well, they’re getting all sorts of “insights” today if the social media backlash alone is any tell.
I don’t care how Cohen feels. I don’t care that Gov. Snyder or FL’s Rick Scott get called names in public for the shit they do. I don’t care that convicted rapist Brock Turner couldn’t eat steak in jail. These guilty AF assholes can cry me a river.
I worked at McD’s for two years (even did management for a bit). The part about Burger King’s oil probably varies from store to store, as you’re supposed to change it regularly due to contaminants/allergens. Back before McD’s had all-day breakfast we’d change to fresh oil at 10:30 for the lunch menu.
Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?
Ned Ryerson: Are you any relation to the pop singer?
Phil: No, it’s just a coincidence.
Ned Ryerson: I’ll be honest with you. I love his music. I do. I’m a Phil Collins fan. For my money, I don’t know if it gets any better than when he sings “In The Air Tonight”. You must really love his music.
Phil: ... No, I think both…
This. With my wife I have to encourage her to provide feedback as I understand that there are sweet spots between amount of pressure, tempo, or where around the clitoris I need to be at a certain moment. It’s easy to get caught up in the rhythm and lose one’s place or accidentally change tempo or pressure outside of…
Trump’s playing the hits his supporters love. That’s why they’ll put up with his pussy-grabbing, porn star raw-dogging, apartment gentrifying, foul-mouthed ways despite many of those same supporters self-identifying as Evangelicals. They don’t care how many lives he ruins so long as he’s only ruining the lives of…
Nothing says “the party of fiscal responsibility” quite like continuing to pass morality bills that are easily challenged on constitutional grounds setting up the state for costly court battles to burn through tax dollars.
Every time I’m building a new gaming rig my wife has to ask if she’ll still be able to play retro PC games like this one (to which I must always reply in the affirmative). She and I both have fond memories of playing Pod Racer, customizing our own pods, and even still have an inside joke regarding the alien whose name…
So, if this isn’t based upon being convicted (a la Weinstein) but rather on reputation, are they about to remedy some of their other oversights such as Spacey, Singer, Ratner, Woody Allen?