Interesting to see where this goes with two-time Oscar winner Kevin Spacey.
Interesting to see where this goes with two-time Oscar winner Kevin Spacey.
Launched his career outside of Guy Ritchie movies
It was “two minutes” five minutes ago!
I remember when this movie was being released and I was like “the bald guy from Lock, Stock and Snatch does action?” That opening scene sold me on it and led me to watch just about anything with him in it because, even if the movie fell flat, I always tended to at least like his style.
My wife has this habit of calling actors by the character she firsts sees them portray. So Hugo Weaving is Elrond
You make many points. This, though:
In the same way that it was Johnny Depp’s “Lone Ranger”, yeah probably. Time will tell if they fare about the same.
This explains why he didn’t just release what he had back before the election when he said he had it. He just wanted to wait until there was a way for him to cash in on the release somehow, so he bid his time until he could weasel his way into a full TV series and milk it for all it’s worth. Screw just being a good…
Rosenstein’s not kidding. If they fire or impeach him and appoint someone Archibald-Cox-style who will fire Mueller it won’t make the story go away.
Someone in Trump’s circle compiled the list and sent it to the media so all the talking heads would begin discussing how Trump should NOT intreview with Mueller. This way, when Trump is on his “Executive time”, his BFF’s on Fox & Friends will tell him it’s a bad idea and he’ll listen to them. You know, because so far…
“So, you’re interested in my daughter?”
If Wolf had done nothing more than read from Trump’s quotes during the WHCD would they have chided her for vulgarity, shaming women, and acting “not in the spirit” of the event?
Holding onto all that hate and anger ages one horribly
Apparently, that much concentrated hatred in one place can age one horribly.
I’m typically against these gender-bent remakes that nobody asked for (although I enjoyed the Ghostbusters on its own merits), but if they’re going to do this they need to do it right.
I think this administration would be better handled by NOT covering them live. Don’t give them the airtime, don’t let them control the cycle. Pull back, cover them with chyrons and releases, make them react to you, not the other way around. If nothing else I’d be curious to see how such a tactic would work.
Trump could have just filled out a HIPAA request form, but forms are for nerds. He likes his hired goons. That’s more Trump’s style.
Never trust a man wearing more than zero necklaces
I can’t help but draw parallels between this and how poorly Harley Davidson is doing lately. I mean, how many of the younger generation are willing to spend tons of cash on a “heritage” Les Paul when there are similar items from other makers at cheaper the price?
I wouldn’t be surprised if at least the first part of your concept rings true. Hawkeye’s family turns to dust, so he comes out of happy retirement to join the surviving OG Avengers to avenge his family, but this time wearing his darker Ronin style.