
^ So much this. Get a small scale (they’re like $5 on Amazon) and you’ll see how much harder the Crosleys push down on your records. It also seems like they’re way too gain-y (gain isn’t a volume knob, noobs) and you can’t service or upgrade any of the parts.

I only stream on the go. I have my turntable in my office at work with an amp and some nice Sennheisers so that I can relax to detailed music in a way you just can’t get from streaming.

I hear Crosleys referred to as “record players for players who hate their records” not just because of sound quality but especially because the tone arm is in no way customizable. It puts down way too much weight on your records (more than 2g starts getting questionable) whereas just spending a little more will get

I came here to recommend U-Turn as well. It developed a problem where more weight on the tone arm was required to play some heavier records, and U-Turn accepted it back for a repair where I only had to pay for shipping. It works better than ever now, and I only mention the flaw because when I buy something I also like

Ah, Schroedinger’s troll. How quantum of you.

He gets one core concept about the way our world works these days if you want to get anywhere: hit them in the pocketbook and then maybe they’ll start paying attention.

I bought two Tantric albums as well, mostly because I dug Days of the New before singing like that became so overdone. I still dig the musicmanship, especially compared to their contemporaries.

My tale was about a preacher’s daughter too. I learned pretty quickly that those are generally the types to stay away from as they may find ways to be stimulating, but not in the intellectual sense.

The court of public opinion is fickle, and sex abusers are an odd topic. It may be that I won’t know redemption until I see it.

I picked up on the more atmospheric and somber experimentations that seemed to take inspiration from 80's and some of the moodier alt stuff (like Pumpkins, yes).

They only want the government to be small enough to fit into the pockets of special interest groups.

Well, also this year we saw Georgia decide to punish a private corporation (Delta) for no longer offering discounts to divisive political groups (the NRA) by dumping a jet fuel gas tax break that’ll cost the company millions. GA doesn’t care about the 30K jobs Delta brings in, or the fact that “companies are people

Oh, I’d love that. Then maybe they’d learn a little something about economic entropy under the stagnation of their closed system. The whole “if you don’t like it why don’t you move” thing would be amplified on a super local level at that point.

Maybe this is why the Johnson amendment has been in the crosshairs since inauguration?

This happens all the time with large parrots like cockatoos. Imagine owning a pet with a lifespan expected at 80 years meaning it’s pretty much assured it’ll outlive you and probably one generation of your offspring unless it gets sick. Even something with a shorter lifespan like a dog should be included in a will

“Hey, Fred. Try going up to a 5th. No, don’t drink a 5th. Think Lydian mode. No, not Lydia that groupie chick. You know what, fine, just phone it in. We’ll probably still go gold anyway.”

It’s on the internet, so of course they do.

There are people who still believe in this dogma. Nearly two decades ago I dated a girl who was super into Neo Pentecostal. I was an agnostic at the time, leaning atheistic (but only in the sense that I decided that I didn’t need to spend time on big questions like faith anymore), so we were like oil and water. But,

So, indecent exposure charges weren’t legit? I’ve never been to such a theater (I doubt they even have them anywhere in my deep red state), but I always presumed that laws about “public” nudity were still enforced. You could view the film, but it was perhaps presumed you’d jerk it later? Dunno, maybe I’m just a noob

That picture of Jake Busey looked so 90s that I had to Google reverse image search it to figure out the source: AFI Fest 2006. Still looking like a typical grunge-era dudebro years past that style’s questionable prime. Is he going to keep the tousled hair and chin beard?