
Man, this brings me back. Not to a place I wanted to spend any more time, but it brings me back nonetheless.

Probably because the sort of person who does that has... other problems to go along with wanting to hear the same bland, monotone vocals and ham-fisted power chords (but on acoustic, so it’s sensitive or something) and dwell in that experience on a repeat.

I lament that my grandkids may never now the fun of owning a small manual gearbox car that’s fun to chuck around corners. I’ve never owned more than say 225hp and don’t need to, but I feel like I NEED to have a lightweight stickshift that just FEELS fast because of how responsive it is in the hands.

Don’t porn theaters still have rules from establishment to establishment, such as “this is a ‘NO SPANK’ establishment? Remember, he was arrested for it. So, he chose to rub one out in a place where it was illegal to do so. He was allowed to watch the porn, but not wank to said porn in that theater. I can’t give him a

No, I’m pretty sure Pee Wee losing career is on him, not the public. It wasn’t the public who decided to pull out his penis in a public theater. Sure, it was a porn theater, but that’s still not a thing that one does. You don’t blame “the fucking idiotic American public” because you can’t keep it in your pants long

Yeah, it really is apples to oranges, I know. I’m not making that point because of course it’s different. In CK’s case there are actual victims.

A family friend got off the hook by having goodie bags pre-made with a thank-you card in them which were handed out as the guests were leaving. I don’t remember what was in them exactly, but it meant that the host didn’t have to spend any additional time thanking those who attended or brought gifts. Also, if I

Well, it worked for Paul Reubens I guess (after years and has never been the same since), but man, I’d like to think we’ve come a bit farther and ask for a better and more atoned public mea culpa than just “THR said I’m cool again, so [shrug] here I am”.

I’m not crying! You’re crying! Who put these tears on my face?

There seems to be a lot of negative reactions to this song here in the comments. Even though I’m one of those OG Mer De Noms fanboys my tastes are diverse enough that I totally dig the new direction. Just as they explored different sounds leading up to and throughout eMotive I’m glad they don’t just clone the last

My current wife taught me to drive stick. While we were dating and thinking about moving in together she bought a ‘74 Super Beetle. I’d always wanted a Beetle, but I’d never driven a stick before.

Unfortunately, you’re probably right about that. Leave it to us to find ways to take a belief system and dial its extremism up to the point of ridiculousness. I mean, the Pilgrims were looking for a new land where they could be free to be super puritanical and conservative, after all.

No, I get it. That’s been my entire point. Now that I realize what an unapologetic provocateur he is and how he does naught to try and improve the human condition I’m basically done finding him funny. Take that analysis as deep or as shallow as you’d like, I guess.

I think you’re again misunderstanding me. I’m not saying racism and sexism are becoming legal - I’m saying that not making an effort to curb bad (but not illegal) behavior such as someone who makes obviously bad jokes, claims of acts that are questionable, etc. then it creates a positive feedback loop that encourages

You misunderstand. My point is that one who constantly makes racist jokes and then turns out to have committed a hate crime or one who constantly calls women by objectifying names and then turns out to have raped or assaulted a woman.

I don’t know. All I know is he and a neighbor boy got into my collection, opened up all the little protective packages, and then say they spent it walking to the convenience store and back a few times. He was too young to drill for details, and there was no chance of getting any of it back.

If you are making enough money to own a Chiron then it’s probably not worth your time to take it in for an oil change (or even perform one yourself were it as technically easy as your typical daily driver). These concierge services are “worth it” to the 0.001%.

“I love him as our president. I love him because it’s funny to me when he kind of puts his foot in his mouth.”

Cohen is barely even a lawyer by lawyer standards. He’s more of a “fixer”, as his activities with at least the other two known clients can demonstrate. So, what did he “fix” for Hannity?

Mozart wrote dirty songs too (examples). Methinks you miss the point of Lamar’s other achievements, or does Mozart’s dirty writing about farts also mean his works in general can’t be considered in good taste? Everyone’s a critic.