
“Tissue donor”

Apparently unable to not to stick his foot in his mouth, Bradley added, “They got what they wanted. They got 99 percent of what they wanted,” and later, “They just can’t figure out how to say thank you,” which, HMMMM.

Also, note the psychological fuckery of this:

In general, I’m just tired of that sort of enabling/complacent bullshit in society. We all need to be holding each other accountable. One may think they’re just telling a funny story, but it’s better that your “friends” call you on your bullshit before you go to far and your racism becomes hate crimes, your sexism

I’m unfamiliar with Carrie Coon, but the prospect of Peter Dinklage voicing Corvus Glaive has my attention.

Well, no, but much like that friend who tells a racist joke at a party (thinking it’s OK because he’s among friends), sometimes you gotta stop someone with a “Whoa there, buddy, that ain’t right and you need to do some serious soul searching about who you are as a person.”

All those women are like Serena on Handmaid’s Tale - enablers of the patriarchy because “I got mine, so screw everyone else.” They’re happy to support the ugly men in power that marginalize the rights of others simply because at least they can cling to the lapels on the way up for a bit.

There’s still some serious mojo to holding something that predates most of the civilizations on earth.

I liked the idea of the Elio when I first heard about it in 2009. That was nine years ago. They’ve had a decade to get their shit in order and still haven’t shipped to early reservations. Definitely vaporware wrapped in a blockchain scheme that’s likely to fold more spectacularly than DeLorean did because at least you

I gotta admit to liking Stern “back in the day”. I think it was around the time of the movie “Private Parts” (which had an awesome soundtrack by the way) when we reached peak Stern though. In hindsight the fact that stars went on his talk radio program and basically admitted to all sorts of questionable (to possibly

Here’s thinking Trump heard about attorney-client privilege and decided that it meant “I can tell my attorney everything and it’ll never come back on me” and therefore Cohen has evidence of Trump admitting to various degrees of wrongdoing.

I thought Trump hated leakers, and yet here he is pardoning someone who got caught leaking and then lied about it.

They care about fetuses until they’re past the point of abortion at which point they’re forced into this world to grow up impoverished and have to accept the only job they can making as little as possible so some dude at the top can take home a bigger bonus. They want low paid workers just smart enough to push

Oklahoman here. It’s actually not much of a victory. The pay raise is just one step, not even a band-aid, and nothing was done to restore education funding such as improving classroom or facility conditions.

Would they have been this reluctant to label him an ideological extremist (white or otherwise) and terrorist if instead he were a brown person with a Quran? Nah, instead he was just a “hard worker” who was “mentally ill” and “just doing research”...

Yes, vote. Put people in power who are more likely to follow recommendations from the Justice Department to impeach. GOP Rep Erick Erickson already has the right idea when he says:

She has a degree of celebrity already, so it’s less a tactic to say she’s a “fame-seeker” outright. To some, who grew up in the 70's and 80's, she has some name recognition.

To support your point, here in Oklahoma there is an Oklahoma History class that sophomores take in high school. When my oldest had parent-teacher meetings I asked about some moments in our state history, specifically the bombing of Black Wall Street and the Tulsa Race Riots as well as the Trail of Tears. She was frank

The subject of Israel and Palestine is an important one, but it’s not the topic being discussed. This is the equivalent of an article about unarmed blacks being disproportionately killed by police, and then along comes a White Knight to the comments section to remind everyone that “white lives matter, too”. Nobody is

I fear that, much like Toback and Woody Allen before him, cases won’t go to trial or prosecution will be bungled and predators will be allowed to approach the public spotlight again under the premise of “I was cleared, so it’s OK to work with me again, right?” The public just needs to keep calling out these creeps and