
I have three large, wolf-sized dogs. You learn to love the sloppy kisses. They put more meaning behind their affection and body language than most lovers do. Also, just about every girl dog I’ve ever had has tried to pet me after I pet her, like “hey, I like it when you do it, so maybe you’ll like this, too?”. Real

I’m not gonna lie, I’ve actually had my eye on the Electric ForTwo for awhile now. If they come out with a cheap enough lease to compensate for the obvious depreciation while not screwing me over on getting enough miles as a daily then this may just be in the cards for me next year when my oldest turns 16 and I hand

This isn’t pay gap related, or as cutting and downright wrong as some of these others, but it is a “horrible boss” story and reading these other stories made it seem like it’d feel good to share.

My manager once stood outside of the bathroom door and texted me to not be on my phone while I’m in the bathroom.

It stinks that probably the #1 reason companies get away with these things is because most people will just prefer to move on and not fight. That’s why I hate hire/fire-at-will states as they can push out whoever they want, not have to create a paper trail that could be used against them, and keep a revolving door of

I’d also like to know the justification for keeping such a poisonous person around. I’d presume that she causes the company more in personnel and time losses than she adds in value, and is quite certainly disposable. What gives? I’d quit too, but why let good workers such as yourself constantly burn out and leave when

I had a manager at Starbucks take the opportunity to tell me, in the middle of a performance review, that he thought I’d make a great “other woman.”

Kahnerman’s ideas, while interesting, don’t get to the heart of what’s being argued. Yes, your beliefs can come from your history. However, they can also come from a rejection of your history, the accepting into a new circle that scratches an itch of yours (desire for conflict/outrage, feelings of belonging,

But you see any time I point out a fact-checking website to my conservative family they attack the source (“Politifact has a known liberal bias”) rather than the argument (“Why exactly do you believe they are biased? Can you counter one of their points?”). Therein lies the argument that “facts have a liberal bias” and

“I’m just waiting on Breitbart or the Weekly Standard to offer Rachel Maddow a column.”

I can see from your other comments that you didn’t actually believe the “state’s rights” line, but this is SO EASY to counter. The Articles of Confederation and Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina as well as direct statements from Jefferson Davis, his Vice

I’m an Oklahoman with three school-age kids who have been at home for eight days now, and I say KEEP IT UP, TEACHERS! My wife and I had been looking to move to neighboring states lately primarily because we don’t have faith that OK will teach them adequately enough to compete against those raised in other states when

There has already been talk that Trump wanted Scott Pruitt to take over as AG, but Pruitt’s latest scandals may sideline him. Trump still “supports” Pruitt though because he’s been such a prolific sycophant in getting Trump’s agenda done at the EPA. It doesn’t matter how corrupt someone is as long as they’re doing the

Also true, feel free to keep it up for as long as this amuses you (for it surely is amusing me)

So, a white guy tells a South Asian person that a bad caricature of a South Asian isn’t bad? What (white) skin does he have in the game? If someone of that culture claims a portrayal is insensitive you as an outsider don’t get to come along and claim that it isn’t. This isn’t just compartmentalized into anti-PC

I seriously think that at this point his entire campaign was designed with the intent to launder donations and generate publicity into a talking-head persona (perhaps into a new TV network with Ailes). He never expected to win, didn’t want to give up any of his questionable business ties or practices, let things bleed

Take my star. And then get out.

Something, something, something, infinity stones...

So, THIS is why DeVos said schools need to be armed against bears!